مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
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 للعباقرة فقط

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

للعباقرة فقط Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: للعباقرة فقط   للعباقرة فقط Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:29 pm

1. He attended the conference and was a …………..for his company.
a. represent b. representation c. representative d. invention
2. I think that Ali has found his camera, but I don't know for……………. .
a. sure b. assure c. certainly d. sore
3. One of the ……….of my bike wheel is broken.
a. speakers b. spokes c. foxes d. wolves
4. A lot of people are ……….up to watch the new movie to Yusra.
a. rowing b. killing c. wandering d. queuing
5. He has just graduated from the faculty of medicine and he needs…………. .
a. events b. training c. trainer d. trainee
6. …………sports can be practised in space.
a. weight b. weightless c. false d. useful
7. The …………of the shuttle took place yesterday.
a. lunch b. punch c. bunch d. launch
8. ……………can only go to space in a shuttle.
a. Scientist b. Astronomers c. Astronauts d. Astrologers

9. The Nile Sat (101)……………the earth at a height of 320 k m.
a. orbits b. moves c. spins d. goes
10. …………., you can't meet Professor Effat. He is in Paris.
a. Current b. Currently c. Event d. Accidentally
11. You jump on the moon because of …………….. .
a. grave b. gravity c. bravery d. brave
12. It is a useful medicine for curing common colds, but it has side…………… .
a. affects b. effective c. effects d. affection
13. A………………in space can take an hour or several months.
a. mission b. fission c. session d. function
14. Doctor Somaa Abu Lama ……………my mother carefully and found diabetes.
a. tasted b. tested c. examined d. exam
15. We celebrate the …………….of the 25th January every year.
a. funeral b. event c. accidents d. anniversary
16. The cost of travelling into space is one of its …………… .
a. merits b. advantages c. benefits d. disadvantages
17. There has been a long ……………on TV about the reform of education.
a. debut b. debate c. debt d. debit
18. I pay for the ………….of my notebooks.
a. public b. publicity c. publish d. publication
19. This book was …………….in England.
a. published b. launched c. eaten d. established
20. …………is the study of ancient languages and literature.
a. Classics b. Classic c. Classical d. Ethics
21. …………..is escaping from our real life by reading or watching films.
a. Eternity b. Escapism c. criticism d. imperialism
22. James Pond is a ………….character, not real.
a. fiction b. factual c. fictional d. additional
23. Reading fiction sometimes helps us………..from our cares.
a. escape b. save c. enjoy d. get rid
24. Every one has the …………to choose the candidate that he wants to be a president.
a. night b. fight c. right d. sight
25. The anniversary of 25th January is a good ……………to remember our martyrs.
a. occasion b. attitude c. view d. appearance
26. Several films in Egypt are ………….on the Indian films.
a. depended b. based c. insisted d. persisted
27. "Tom and Jerry" is popular………..children.
a. of b. with c. in d. on
28. After the revolution, many people became interested in ……………. .
a. politics b. police c. political d. politician
29. Fared el Deep speaks for Mubarak's sons in the court. He is their …………… .
a. teacher b. comrade c. partner d. lawyer
30. The robbers ……………young Suzy and wanted a 500,000 pound ransom.
a. hijacked b. kidnapped c. arrested d. caught
31. I can't believe what happened on 27th January. It is ……………. .
a. amazed b. amazement c. incredible d. credible
32. We can capture the solar energy and ……………… it.
a. restore b. store c. saves d. apply
33. Non- renewable forms of energy will be used……………. one day.
a. out b. out of c. up d. at
34. When atoms split, ……………..energy is produced.
a. solar b. lunar c. wave d. nuclear
35. Energy is ……………by cables on posts.
a. translated b. transported c. transformed d. generated
36. Electric cables must be ………….beneath the ground to be safe.
a. buried b. bury c. bought d. assured
37. The fossil fuels have been formed ………..millions of years.
a. during b. over c. under d. after
38. A wind ……….is used to generate electricity from the wind.
a. turbine b. bridge c. lighthouse d. tower
39. Atomic ………….must be buried safely.
a. energy b. waste c. reactors d. reactions
40. The fossil fuels took millions of years to be ……….. .
a. form b. framed c. formed d. frame
41. Hurghada is a wonderful …………..to the tourists to Egypt.
a. destination b. destiny c. tourism d. effect
42. "Geo" means…………….. .
a. earth b. moon c. geography d. geology
43. In the ………hours of weightless, people often have nausea and lethargy.
a. primary b. initial c. late d. latter
44. Long-term weightlessness can cause muscle………………. .
a. triumph b. atrophy c. appearance d. strength
45. Countries spend much money ……………education.
a. on b. with c. at d. in
46. Modern…………has improved everyone's knowledge.
a. terrorism b. tourism c. technology d. music
47. Would you enjoy being……………..in space?
a. weight b. weightless c. weightlessness d. heavy
48. Looking down on the earth from space is………………… .
a. bored b. boring c. marvels d. marvelous
49. …………….communication by satellites is a good thing.
a. Instant b. Instance c. Endurance d. Tech
50. Modern Technology helps us ………..problems.
a. solves b. solve c. to solving d. solving
51. When you are weightless, you can't ……………still.
a. keep b. stand c. sit d. go
52. The two friends talked………………. .
a. excited b. excitedly c. excitement d. exciting
53. Elphberg is …………..in the castle of Zenda.
a. open b. opened c. locked d. looked
54. Although everyone in the family works hard, we aren't a …………..family.
a. healthy b. wealthy c. poor d. needy
55. In Britain, children ………..primary school between 5 and 11.
a. go b. move c. attend d. play
56. Nobody has the ……………to take my belongings.
a. sight b. fight c. right d. height
57. Some twins are more ………..than others.
a. like b. adore c. a like d. same
58. …………were made from stones.
a. Desks b. Castles c. Cameras d. Cutters
59. Egypt will be able to choose its ……………… .
a. lead b. leading c. leadership d. leader
60. He ………..less damage to us.
a. makes b. performs c. cause d. does
61. ……….cars with others to save energy.
a. Divide b. Cut c. Repair d. Share
62. We can …………..the sun's energy in the desert.
a. uses b. harness c. harden d. violate
63. Keep this medicine out of the ………….of children.
a. teach b. fetch c. launch d. reach
64. …………in space is impossible.
a. Walking b. Floating c. Experimenting d. Shopping
65. Our automatic washing machine has broken. We need someone to …………..it.
a. install b. repair c. reform d. ruin
66. We called the technician to …………our new automatic washing machine after buying it.
a. install b. repair c. reform d. kill
Find the mistake:
1. The shut of the new satellite was a success.
2. Dr Khashba tested my brother carefully.
3. Don't tell anyone about that. It is a security.
4. A speaker in my bicycle wheel was broken.
5. Objects fall to the ground because of grave.
6. This fan doesn't work. Get the technician to ride it.
7. Currently, this novel is ready for public.
8. I like reading works of fictional like novels.
9. I like reading as a kind of escape.
10. A chat is a well- organised discussion.
11. Publicity is a ceremony to announce a new king.
12. My grandfather likes listening to classics songs.
13. Steam is the liquid form of ice.
14. A melted rock is in a liquid form.
15. This film is based in the writer's life.
16. Now, I'm listening to a good news.
17. You have no fight to steal my book.
18. There is broken glasses on the road to Tanta. It must be an accident.
19. The pyramids are made of stones.
20. Can you pass me a vinegar, please?
21. The coronation takes part as planned.
22. Attraction makes things fall to the ground.
23. Technology will solve our problems and make everyone save.
24. He keeps his safes in a Swiss bank.
25. It is really difficult to do predictions about the future.
26. She's going meet her sister in town.
27. I fixed a lake in the petrol tank.
28. How many time do I need to drive to the city centre?
29. Oil and gas are find under the ground.
30- Water is the solid form of ice.
31- The married team went to Italy on their honeymoon.
32- I need to get fit, so I've made a decision. I do more exercise.
33- Despite he is 68, my grandfather is still working.
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