مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
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 situations situations

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 88
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/05/2011

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مُساهمةموضوع: situations situations   situations situations Icon_minitimeالخميس يونيو 09, 2011 5:39 pm

1- Apology

1- You have broken your friend’s camera . You apologize .
 I’m sorry I didn’t mean it .
2- Someone stepped on your foot in a bus .
 Don’t worry / Never mind .
3- You forgive someone who has apologized to you .
 Never mind / Don’t worry .
4- You accidentally bumped into someone in the street .
 I’m sorry I didn’t mean it .
2- thanking SOMEONE
5- Sara helped you with some questions . You thank her .
 Thank you very much .
6- You helped an old man cross the street . He thanks you .
 Not at all / Don’t mention it .
3- Offer
* Shall I..... ( مصدر )....for you?
* Can I help you .... مصدر ))......?
موافقة Yes, please. It's kind of you.
رفض No, thanks . I can manage.
7- You offer to open the window for your mother .
 Shall I open the window for your mother ?
8- Your friend offers to carry a bag for you . You agree .
 Yes , please . It’s kind of you .
9-Your sister offers to solve some problems for you . You can do this yourself .
 Thank you . I can manage .
10- Your mother offers more food . You disagree .
 Thank you . That’s enough .
4- Giving advice
* You should ( not ) .... ( مصدر )...... . * You ought ( not ) to .... ( مصدر )...... .
* You had better ( not ) ......( مصدر )................. . * If I were you, I'd ( not ) .. ( مصدر )....... .
* What you should do is to... ( مصدر )... . * Why don't you........ ( مصدر )....... ?
11- You advise your brother to study harder .
 You should study harder .
12- You advise your sister not to stay up late .
 You shouldn’t stay up late .
13- Your friend is driving so fast . Advise him .
 You shouldn’t drive so fast .
5- Introducing someone
14- You introduce your pen - friend Jack to your brother .
 This is my pen-friend Jack / Come and meet my pen-friend Jack
15- You meet someone for the first time .
 Pleased to meet you .

6- Invitation
* Would you like to ... (مصدر)...? * I'd be pleased if you..... .
موافقة With pleasure / Of course I'll do .
رفض I'm sorry I'll be busy then .
I wish I could but I can't .
16- You invite your friend to your birthday party .
 Would you like to come to my birthday party ?
17- A friend of yours invites you to his wedding party . You agree .
 Of course , I’ll come .
18- A friend invites you to his success party . You refuse politely .
 I wish I could but I can’t .

7- Suggestion
* Let's..... ( مصدر ).................... . * Shall we.... ( مصدر ) ............ ?
* Why don't we..... ( مصدر )..... ? * What about..... (ing)............?
* How about...... (ing).............?

موافقة That's a good idea. رفض I'm sorry I'm busy.
رأى آخر I think .....( N. )....is better.
19- You suggest going the theatre tonight .
 Let’s go to the theatre .
20- You suggest taking a break .
 Why don’t we take a break ?
21- Your brother suggests going to cinema . You agree .
 That’s a good idea .
22- Your sister suggests playing tennis . You refuse .
 I’m sorry I’m busy ( studying )
23- Your father suggests spending the summer holiday in Alexandria .You have another suggestion .
 I think Port Said is better .
8 8-Warning someone
24- Someone warns you against getting knocked down .
 That's all right . Thank you .
25- You warn your sister against playing with matches .
 Be careful or you’ll get burnt / hurt / injured .
 Mind you don't get burnt / hurt / injured .

9-Asking for permission
* May I..... ( مصدر ).... ? * Could I.... ( مصدر )..... ?
* Am I allowed to.....( مصدر )..... ?
موافقة Of course / certainly. رفض I'm sorry, you can't.
26- You want to use your neighbour's telephone .
 May I use your telephone , please ?
27- You want to go out for a walk .
 Could I go out for a walk ?
28- You want to borrow your friend's car .
 May I borrow your car , please ?

10- Request
* Could you please .... ( مصدر ) ..... ? * I'd like you to ........ ( مصدر ) ...... .
موافقة Yes, of course . / with pleasure .
* Would you mind...... ( ing ) .....?
موافقة No, of course not / not at all. رفض I'm sorry I can't.
29- You want your sister to get you something cold .
 Could you get me something cold , please ?
30-A friend of yours wants you to help him with some lessons . You agree .
 With pleasure . / of course .
32- A friend of yours wants you to give him a lift . You disagree .
 I’m sorry I can’t .
33- You don't understand someone who is speaking quickly .
 Could you speak a little more slowly , please ?
34- You can't hear what somebody is saying .
 Could you raise your voice , please ?
11-- wishing someone
35- You visit a friend of yours in hospital .
 I wish you speedy recovery / I hope you’ll get better soon .
36- You went to see your brother off at the airport .
 Have a nice trip !
37- Your friend will sit for an exam .
 I wish you good luck .
38- Your friend got the full marks at the final exams .
 Congratulations / Well done .

12- asking about places
39- You want to go to the nearest post office. You ask a passerby.
 How can I get to the nearest post office ?
40- You don't know how to go to the bus stop .
 Could you tell me the way to the bus stop ?
41- A stranger asks you about the nearest chemist's .
 Go straight , then tern right .
42- A tourist can't go to the Egyptian museum .
 You can take bus No. 888 .
13- Opinion
* What's your opinion on ( about ) …... ( N. ) .... ?
* What do you think of ... ( N. ) .... ?
* What about ... ( N. ) ..... ? * How about .... ( N. ) ...... ?
* Expressing opinion I think …………. .
In my opinion , ………. .
* Liking It's fantastic / brilliant. I'm mad / crazy about it.
* Disliking I'm not very keen on it. I don't think much of it.
43- You want to know your friend's opinion about the Mathsexam .
 What’s your opinion about the Maths exam ?
44- Your class - mate asks your opinion about the last night match . You admire it .
 In my opinion it was very interesting .
45- Your friend asks your opinion about a film you've just seen . You don't like it .
 I think it is very bad .
46- You ask your friend's impression about the exams in general .
 What’s your impression about the exams ?

14- agree , disagree or not sure
47- Your friend says that advances in medical revolution have been incredible . You agree .
 I agree completely .
48- Your friend says that the world's supplies of Oil will soon dry up .You agree but not sure
 I suppose so .
49- Your friend says that smoking doesn't damage health . You disagree .
 That can’t be true ./ Nonsense !

15- Inquiring
50- You don't know the meaning of a word .
 What does this word mean ?
51- You don't know the meaning of " employee " so you ask your teacher .
 What does the word “ employee ’’ mean ?
52- You need some information about Tourism in Egypt .
 Can I have some information about Tourism in Egypt , please ?
53- The sky is full of dark clouds .
 I think it is going to rain .

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
situations situations
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Important situations:

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة :: الصف الأول الثانوي :: اللغة الإنجليزية-
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