مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
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 short story (an artist's story)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

short story (an artist's story) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: short story (an artist's story)   short story (an artist's story) Icon_minitimeالأربعاء يوليو 20, 2011 1:08 pm

The speaker in this story is called Augustus Poke ]whistle. He was miserable and failure. He couldn't sell any of his drawings because they didn't attract anybody to buy them. As he was arrogant, he thought that people were mistaken and he was really a true artist. One day, he was visited by a man from the furniture shop and that man came to take the bed as Augustus didn't pay for it. Augustus decided to tell the visitor his life story thinking that he was a doctor and came to save him from his suffering. (1) A man entered into Augustus' room secretly. Augustus woke up and found the visitor in his room. He thought the visitor was a doctor. He told the visitor that he couldn't help him and decided to tell him what was wrong with him. He painted pictures and drew drawings. 1. Who was Augustus? He was an artist. 2. How did the visitor enter his room? He entered secretly. 3. What was wrong with Augustus? He thought he was a true artist, but he wasn't and he didn't want to understand that fact. 4. What did Augustus think his visitor was? He thought he was a doctor. Quotations: 1. "You are the doctor, I suppose." a. Who said this to whom? b. Who was that man? By whom was he sent? 2. "But…." a. Who said this to whom? b. Why did the speaker want to interrupt that man? To tell him that he wasn't a doctor and he was sent by the furniture shop to take the bed. c- did the speaker give a chance to the man to speak ? Why? (2) He told the visitor not to tell him that he was one of the uncaring public who weren't interested in the story of his life. He told the visitor that he had to take to his bed and never to rise again. Augustus thought the visitor was sent by some interfering so-called friend to save him from his suffering. He decided to explain his illness for the doctor to understand it. 1. Which decision did he make? He decided to stay in bed and never to rise again. 2. By whom did he think the visitor was sent? By some interfering so-called friend. 3. How did Augustus describe his friends? …………………………………………… 4. Do you think Augustus is a good man to make friendship with him? …………………………………………… 5. Why did Augustus insist on telling his story? He thought the visitor wouldn't help him unless he knew his story. Quotations 1. You can't understand my illness unless I tell you the story of my life." a. Who said this to whom? b. Why did the speaker insist on telling him the story? (3) He was delicately brought up, so it was clear that he wouldn't be an ordinary child. At the age of seven, he won a prize for drawing an animal although he wanted to represent the sunset over London. His proud parents provided him with plenty of pencils, paper and the opportunity to study under great painters. At the age of twenty one, he started his business as a painter of people. He painted eleven pictures of his own face. Nobody seemed to want them and he had no desire to paint more of his face as he was tired of that most heavenly beauty. The pictures were hung sadly on the wall of his sitting room. 1. How was he brought up? What did it prove? He was brought up delicately. He wouldn't be an ordinary man. 2. When did he win a prize? Why? At the age of seven, he won a prize for drawing an animal. 3. What did he want his drawing to represent? He wanted to represent the sunset over London. 4. How were his parents when he won the prize? They were proud of him. 5. What did his proud parents provide him with? They gave him pencils, paper and the opportunity to study under great painters. 6. When did he begin his business? What was his business? At the age of 21, he was a painter of people. 7. How many times did he paint his face? He painted his face eleven times. 8. Why do you think no one came to buy his drawings? Of course, they are ugly and he wasn't a true artist. Mentionيذكر Remarks نبرات Pleasureمتعه View منظر طبيعى Severe struggleكفاح Forget my soulروح Determinedمصصم Severely بقسوة (4) He turned from painting people to painting the country because no one came to buy his pictures and he had no desire to paint more. He painted the view nine times from the back window and seven times from the front window. He couldn't sell any of them, so he had little money left. He was almost hungry. He decided to forget his soul and paint for money. He meant painting funny pictures for newspapers. 1. Why did he turn from painting people to painting the country? No one came to buy his pictures and he had no desire to paint more of himself. 2. How many times did he paint the countryside? …………………………………………….. 3. Why did he decide to paint for money? He had little money left and was almost hungry. 4. What did he paint for after painting the country? / What was his third trial? He painted for the newspapers. 5. What kind of pictures did he paint for the newspapers? He drew funny pictures. Quotations: 1. "I decided to forget my soul." a. Who said this to whom? b. What did he mean by forgetting his soul? 2. "I was almost hungry." a. What did his hunger drive him to do? b. Why was he almost hungry? c. Do you think he was a true artist? Why/ Why not? Soulروح Send backيعيـــــــد Laugh يضحـــــــك Disheartenedمحبــــــط Disappointed محبــــــط Frustrated محبــــــط Immenselyبشكل كبير Sampleعينــــــات Foolish smile حمقـــــاء Skillمهارة Feel certainمتأكــــد Furniture shopموبلــيا (5) He told the visitor not to think badly of him because if he had had the soul of a true artist, he would have died rather than selling his drawings, but he was with no money and if he had had a wife and children, they would have been crying for bread. He made thirty of forty pictures everyday. He had nothing because they sent him his drawings back. 1. Did he have a wife and children? …………………………………… 2. What would have his wife and children been doing? ……………………………………………………… 3. How many drawings did he send to the newspapers? ……………………………………………………… Quotation: 1. "I found that selling one's soul isn't so easy as it sounds." a. Who said this to whom? b. Why did he think that? He thought he was a true artist. c- Was he true? Why? (6) He tested his drawings on the cat. The cat loved until he was sick. He thought he heard the expression "funny" from the cat. He placed them on a line and carried the cat along in front of them. 1. How did he test his drawings? He tested them on the cat. 2. What did he do with his drawing to test them? He placed them on a line and carried the cat a long in front of them. 3. What happened to the cat? It laughed until it became sick. (7) He became more and more disheartened. His last attempt was drawing for the advertisements. "Clothes, pianos, bottles and immensely tall ladies with foolish smiles." He sent them off by the hundred. He got a sample of a bottle a card of wool. He expected that they sent him a tall lady, but she might have got lost in the post. 1. How did he feel after his third attempt? He was disheartened. 2. What was his fourth attempt? He drew for the advertisements. 3. What did he draw for the advertisements? …………………………………………….. 4. What did the advertisements give him? …………………………………………….. 5. Show that Augustus had a sense of humour and stinging criticism? He said that the woman might have lost in the post. (Cool He decided to take to his bed and never to rise again. 1. What was his last decision? Why? Because he couldn't succeed. Quotation: 1. "I shall never rise from this bed." a. Did he succeed in achieving his last hope? Why? Why not? b. Do you think we should sympathize with him? (9) The visitor finally spoke and confessed why he came for. He told Augustus that he was from the furniture shop and came to take the bed because it wasn't paid for. 1. Who was the visitor? He was a man from the furniture shop. 2. What was the man's purpose of visiting Augustus? He came to take the bed. 3. Why did he come to take the bed? It wasn't paid for. Quotation: 1. "I've come to take it away." a. Who said this to whom? b. Why did he visit him? c. What did he want to take? Why?[/justify][/left][/list][/list][/list]
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short story (an artist's story)
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