مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
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 exam first term

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

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مُساهمةموضوع: exam first term   exam first term Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 9:42 am

مدرسه كشك الثانويه ترم أول يناير 2010
1- Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Khalid: and Ashraf haven't met for a long time. Khalid: Hello, Ashraf. I haven't seen you for ages. ………(1)………? Ashraf: Hello, Khalid. I've been to England. Khalid: Really……………….(2)………….? Ashraf: I was having a course in English. Khalid: ………………………….(3)…………..? Ashraf: Yes, I made great progress. Moreover, living among native speakers………(4)….
2- Write what you would say in each of following situations: a- Someone is throwing rubbish in the street. b- You friend has a worried expression on his face. Ask him why. c- Your friend is bed. He is ill.
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, or d : 1- If I …….. a camera, I would take a photo of the family party. a) had had b) had c) would have d) have 2- Hamdy…….. in Mansoura for 5 years. a) has lived b) have lived c) was living d) lives 3- Fadi is not…….. as Nadir. a) so clever b) clever c) the cleverest d) cleverer 4- …….. he felt tired, he would go to bed early. a) But for b) With c) If d) Without 5- While………, he fell down and broke his leg. a) plays b) playing c) played d) was playing 6- Parents should …….. an example for their children. a)sit b) set c) fit d) beat 7- We are all……… by air pollution. a) affected b) effect c) defected d) delayed 8- Abu-Heif decided to……… when he became old. a) take b) spend c) enjoy d) retire 9- This food has a good……… a) scene b) stage c) taste d) sound 10- Columbus…….. America. a) caught b) discovered c) invented d) bought
4- Read the text then write the word which best fist each space: Abu Heif was a great swimmer. He spent a lot of time…(1)… in the sea. His father was a primary…..(2)… teacher. At the age of ten, Abu Heif……(3)… the Egyptian primary school Swimming Championship. He ……(4)….to Cairo. There, he…..(5)….At Al-Ahli club. He …..(6)….in April 2008.
5- Read the following passage, then answer the questions: When I was at school, I was interested in short stories. My teacher was friendly with me. When I went to the library, I used to borrow a book full of short stories in English. After leaving school, I took the bus making for my part of the city. It was very crowded. On getting off bus I was carrying a bag which was full of books I didn't go directly home. I didn't use the book which I borrowed. On my way home I got into a shop selling newspapers and magazines. When I arrived home I emptied my school bag. I couldn't find the book borrowed. I went back to the shop but I didn't find it. Next morning, I went to the head office of the bus company but I didn't find anything. I went to school. I didn't want to see the librarian because he might ask me about the book. When I went to him he said, ''you didn't take the book you borrowed yesterday'. I felt very foolish but happy.
A)-Answer the following question: 1- What was the boy's favourite interest? 2- What kind of shop did he visit? 3- Where did he lose the book? 4-Why did he go to the head office of the bus company?
B)- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: 5- The boy couldn't get off the bus easily because it was……. a) fast b) crowded c) broken d) slow 6- The boy didn't want to see the librarian because………. a) he thought he had lost the book. b) he didn't do the homework. c) he didn't like him. D) he was unfriendly. 7- The boy foolish because……. a) he searched for the book. b) he left the book. c) he looked for the book. d) he didn't find the book.
The Novel
6- A)- Answer the following questions: 1- How did Auguts' parents help him to be an artist? (An artist's story) 2- How did he try to paint for money? (An artist's story) 3- Where was the writer when he came to himself? (I never forget a face) 4- What did the writer guess the traveller was? (I never forget a face)
B) - Read the following quotations and answer: 1- ''I can always connect a face with a place'' a) Who was the speaker? b) How could do this? c) How did this help the speaker? 2- ''I've come to take it away'' a) Who is the speaker? b) What did he want to take? c) Why did he want to take it?
7-Translation A)-Translate into Arabic: 1- The deep love of Egypt runs in my blood. 2- We are all ready to sacrifice our life to defend our mother-land.
A) Translate into English: تعلمنا الرياضه التعاون والصبر والإعتماد على النفس.
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exam first term
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