مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
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  champions' league

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

  champions' league Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: champions' league     champions' league Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 10:13 am

Group (A)

اسم البطل:........................................................... البلد:................

1. Everyone……..……to do something useful in their life, don't they?
a. want b. is wanting c. wants d. wanted
2. My car…………….at this moment.
a. is repairing b. is being repaired c. repairs d. repairing
3. When Nermin went back to school, she found she ………the wrong composition
a. wrote b. has written c. had written d. had been written
4. ……………….very happy If you achieved your goal?
a. You will be b. Would you be c. You would be d. Would you have been
5. The wheel …………………….by the people of Sumeria, Iraq, in 500 BC.
a. invented b. will invent c. was invented d. was being invented
6. I love my family, but I love my father ……………….…..of all.
a. more b. much c. the most d. most
7. The sea will be polluted …………..….we stop dumping oil rubbish into it.
a. if b. as long as c. unless d. so that
8. I'd ……………..be a doctor than a dentist.
a. rather b. prefer c. want d. like
9. ………………people live with their families before they are married.
a. Single b. Individual c. Alone d. Professional
10. In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely……….…….to catch the white whale.
a. sure b. serious c. determined d. primitive
Find the mistake:
1. Why don't you apply at that job?
2. Having finishing his work, he went to bed.
3. Reham has a lot of research to make.
4. He is the manager for a travel agency in Aswan.
5. Ayman was borne in a good Cairo family in 1999.
الدرجة: ................. المباراة الأولى

Group (B)
اسم البطل:........................................................... البلد:................

1. Uncle Hamada succeeded in …………………his son to give up smoking.
a. replacing b. amending c. persuading d. reforming
2. The road to……………….is not straight.
a. regret b. success c. ambition d. failure
3. The new furniture……………………..now.
a. is polished b. was polished c. have been polished d. is being polished
4. Tel El- Amarna is on the……………….of the Nile.
a. tank b. bank c. beach d. shore
5. Ramy,………………car is white, is wise and cheerful.
a. who b. that c. whose d. whom
6. This car is very dear, so I can't……………………it.
a. sell b. repair c. afford d. export
7. Women feel a bit……………..….for not having nice jewellery.
a. happy b. cheerful c. disappointed d. optimistic
8. There is no airport on the island, so boats…….……..food and other goods.
a. sail b. give c. supply d. carry
9. He went abroad to …………………his post graduate studies.
a. give b. take c. make d. do
10. He is affluentثرى …, ………..………he is miser.بخيل
a. when b. but c. because d. as
Find the mistake:
I. I don't like meat. I prefers to eat fish.
2. I'd like to be the doctor when I'm older.
3. Mona jogs تهزthe internet for long hours every day.
4. How long are you been learning English?
5. People who come third in a race win a gold medal.
الدرجة: ................. المباراة الأولى

Group (A)
اسم البطل:........................................................... البلد:................

1. The museum is a ten ........................walk from here.
a. minutes b. minute c. minute's d. minutes'
2. I borrowed my friend's watch ...................... mine was being repaired.
a. though b. while c. as far d. that's why
3. I have a garden ..........................my own.
a. at b. of c. on d. for
4. Ice cream ...........................popular in China in the 13th century.
a. become b. is becoming c. became d. has become
5. The .................of the Nile was given to Ahmed Zewail.
a. book b. source c. bank d. necklace
6. New trade………………..have made trading easier and quicker.
a. styles b. routes c. streets d. roads
7. I'm really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me what the………………are?
a. goods b. foods c. ingredients d. crops
8. It is not allowed to………..…………your car in a no parking area.
a. bark b. park c. brake d. break
9. The pyramids ………………….from space.
a. saw b. see c. could be seen d. are to see
10. It is known that the Statue of Zeus was made by a…..……….……artist.
a. Greek b. Chinese c. Japanese d. Turkish
Find the mistake:
1. Alex is a harbour for the export of nice and cotton.
2. Africa is a big content.
3. This book is one on my owns.
4. Mona is among me and Eman.
5. Could I slept early, dad?
الدرجة: ................. المباراة الثانية

Group (B)
اسم البطل:........................................................... البلد:................

1. Our .......................has increased by 20 %.
a. profit b. marks c. goals d. ambitions
2. The first ................... of years were hard.
a. double b. couple c. profit d. tow
3. I have a garden ................my own.
a. at b. of c. on d. for
4. Package tour is a holiday that is arranged by a company at a fixed………. .
a. time b. price c. place d. season
5. I bought a new car. It was really good………………..for money.
a. value b. bargain c. investment d. average
6. If ice is heated, it……………… .
a. melt b. melts c. would melt d. 'll melt
7. Science teachers………………their experiments in science labs.
a. do b. make c. operate d. devise
8. St Catherine is the oldest……………….monastery in the world.
a. Hindu b. Jewish c. Christian d. Islamic
9. The pyramids ………………….from space.
a. saw b. see c. could be seen d. are to see
10. It is known that the Statue of Zeus was made by a…..……….……artist.
a. Greek b. Chinese c. Japanese d. Turkish
Find the mistake:
1. Alex is a harbour for the export of nice and cotton.
2. Africa is a big content.
3. This book is one on my owns.
4. Mona is among me and Eman.
5. Could I slept early, dad?
الدرجة: ................. المباراة الثانية

اسم البطل:........................................................... البلد:................

1. I'm clever at cooking, but my mother is ……………..cook I've ever known.
a. cleverer b. clever c. less clever d. the cleverest
2- A …………..…..students were absent yesterday as we had an important exam.
a. few b. lot c. some d. many
3- When Noha went back to school, she found she ………the wrong composition
a. wrote b. has written c. had written d. had been written
4- My uncle …………………..to Germany lately.
a. is b. will be c. has been d. is being
5- The ……..…of the Mediterranean Sea host a population of about 100 millions.
a. banks b. beaches c. branches d. shores
6- Is that the woman …………….…..bag was stolen?
a. whose b. where c. who d. which
7. I first met her a long time………………. .
a. ago b. for c. yet d. before
8. When he had money, he always………….….the poor.
a. give b. gave c. gives d. given
9. So they have gone sailing! How long ago……….….they set off?
a. do b. did c. have d. had
10. The oil crisis means a……………..in the amount of oil available in the world.
a. plenty b. shortage c. surplus d. plus
11. We…………..finish the football match before it started raining too heavily.
a. could b. can c. were able to d. are able to
12. Surgeons can ……………..on patient's heart.
a. carry out b. operate c. achieve d. do
13. Samy speaks French …………….…..than he writes it.
a. fewer b. worse c. fewest d. worst

Read and answer:-
''Keep still Lamia.''
1- Who said this?
2- What did he plan to do?

الدرجة: ................. المباراة قبل النهائية

اسم البطل:........................................................... البلد:................

1. You ………..do the ironing. I'll do it myself.
a. must b. needn't c. mustn't d. had to
2. Shosho wouldn't mind if I didn't go to the party,………….?
a. wouldn't she b. would she c. did I d. didn't I
3. A: I need help in Maths. B: You…………..ask your teacher.
a. needn't b. had to c. could d. were able to
4. …………….Smoking is bad, none care about it.
a. Although b. Despite c. However d. As
5. This airline travels to many ……………around the USA.
a. location b. destinations c. place d. site
Find the mistake:
1. I don't mind stay with you.
2. Everything is right, aren’t they?
3. Samy can't have be ill yesterday.
4. In spite her sweet voice, she doesn't want to be a singer.
5. Samy is used for getting up early. ……………….………………………………………………………………………

1- أقوم الأن بعمل بحث عن التكنولوجيا الحديثه.
2- لم يسبق لي زياره أي بلد أجنبي في أوروبا أو أمريكا من قبل. ………………………………………………………………………………………
3- متي ستصل الطائره الي مطار روما؟ صباحا أم مساء؟.
4- علينا جميعا أن نتعاون سويا وأن نكون متسامحين من أجل أن نعيش حياه أفضل.
5- هل تعتقد أن المحيط الهادي أكثر عمقا من المحيط الهندي.
الدرجة: ................. المباراة النهائية
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champions' league
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