مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 question tag

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

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مُساهمةموضوع: question tag   question tag Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 10:23 am

يتكـون السـؤال المذيــل مــن الفعـل المسـاعــد أو الناقـص وضميـر الفاعــل .

السـؤال المـذيـل يضـاف لنهـايـة الجملـة بهـدف التـأكيـد علـي الكـلام السابـق .
الجملـة المثبتـة يضـاف لهـا سـؤال مـذيـل منفـي والإجابـة المتوقعـة هـى .........
الجملـة المنفيـة يضـاف لهـا سـؤال مـذيـل مثبـت والإجابـة المتوقعـة هـى ......... .
الأفعـال المنفيـة فـي السـؤال المـذيل لا بـد أن تكـون دائمـاً مختصـرة .
الفـاعـل فـي السـؤال المـذيل لا بـد أن يكـون ضميـر .
1. Hala is a doctor, ……….…?
2. Amir isn't a teacher,……….…?
3. Reda is playing tennis,………..?
4. Samar has written a letter,………….?
5. Dina is helped everyday,………..…..?
6. They are watching TV,………….….?
7. Nader watches TV everyday,……..…?
8. Hany has a car,……….…..?
9. Hany has got a car,……….…?
10. Asmaa drove to the airport,………….?
11. Nader didn't write the e-mail,………..?
12. Nabila was cleaning the flat when the phone rang,…………?
13. Hassan'd helped her before she came,……..…..?
1. This is Amir,……..……..?
2. That is Salwa,………..…?
3. These are my friends,…………....?
4. There is a new car outside,………?
5. Let's go to the zoo,………….…..?
6. Let us go to the zoo,………..….?
7. I'm a teacher,……………….?
8. I'm not a doctor,…………....?
9. You'd come early if you had time,……….……?
10. Hany'd written the letter before his father came,……..…….?
11. I think our team will win,………..……?
12. No one helps her,…………….?
13. Nothing was said,………….?
14. He hardly walks to school,……….….?
15. Open the book at page 14,………..…?
16. Don't close the window,………….….?
17. A few people attended the party,…….…..?
18. Few people attended the party,……….….?
19. Neither of them has passed,……………..?
20. I don't think he will come,………….…..?
21. She wouldn't mind if I came,………….……?
22. She wouldn't mind if I didn't come,……...….?
23. That's funny,………….?
24. Beautiful,…………....?
25. Cold,………………..?
26. Sonia ate nothing,………..…?
27. I'm doing my homework,………………?
28. I don't think he is free to go with us,……..…..?
29. It's stopped raining,…………....?
30. I'm no longer thin,………..……? 31. It's made in Japan, ……….?
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- She's arrived on time,…….….?
a. hasn't she b. isn't she c. doesn't she d. wasn't she
2- He'd found my ring,………....?
a. didn't he b. doesn't he c. wouldn't he d. hadn't he
3- They no longer believe his stories,………?
a. did they b. will they c. do they d. don't they
4- She had a flat in Maadi,.………?
a. didn't she b. hadn't she c. doesn't she d. wasn't she
5- Everything is well done,…..…..?
a. is it b. are they c. isn't it d. aren't they
6- Take care of the baby,…………?
a. don't you b. will you c. do you d. can't you
7- He will certainly pass the test,………..….?
a. will he b. doesn't c. won't he d. he won't
8- Look at this dress! Beautiful,……………?
a. aren't b. will you c. isn't it d. does it
9- Hardly anyone can buy such a car,……...?
a. can he b. can't he c. can they d. can't they
10- This is a wolf,………….?
a. isn't this b. is it c. it isn't d. isn't it
11- Zizi ate nothing,…….….?
a. did she b. she didn't c. didn't she d. she ate
12- I'm doing my homework,….…….?
a. don't I b. am I c. isn't it d. aren't I
13- I don't think he is free now,.…….?
a. is he b. don't I c. isn't that d. do I
14- Look at this car. It's made in Egypt,…….….it?
a. isn't b. hasn't c. wasn't d. didn't
15- It's stopped raining,….……?
a. isn't b. hasn't c. didn't d. wasn't
16- I think you're joking,….…..?
a. aren't you b. aren't I c. are you d. don't I
17- I'm no longer free as I used to be,………I ?
a. am b. am not c. are d. aren't
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and correct them:
1- Let's go for a swim, do we?
2- Dodi rarely gets up early, hasn't she?
3- She'd finished her homework, wouldn't she?
4- Soso had a mobile, hadn't she?
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