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 chapter 1 the land of the Incas

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

chapter 1 the land of the Incas Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: chapter 1 the land of the Incas   chapter 1 the land of the Incas Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:01 pm

This story was written by Alan Mclean and Damien Tunnacliffe.
This story is about an Egyptian archaeologist, Leila El Assaby, who went to
Peru in an archaeological mission and faced a lot of danger in that foreign country.
She went there to join Dr. Hafez's excavation. The UNESO has projects on the Incas.

They ruled a huge empire and their empire reached its height between 1492 and 1525. It stretched إمتدت along the Pacific Ocean of South America. It contained Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Argentina.
They were tough قاسى people. Although they didn't know writing, they ruledحكم a huge empire. They sacrificedذبحوا children to please their godsإلهتهم . They killed the servants and the wives when their kings died to look after the kings. They conquered the Chimu who were famous for their gold and silver artefacts مقتنيات فنية and let the Chimu kings rule, but they took their sons as hostagesرهائن to make sure that their fathers were loyal to them. Peru was their positionموقعهم and Cuzco, a famous old city in Peru, was their capital.

An Egyptian expertخبير in the field of archaeologyعلم الأثار. He was in Peru as an exchanging team فريق تبادلى between Egypt and Peru and supported مؤيد by the UNESCO. He was the leader of the excavationالتنقيب عن الأثار in Peru and he sent forأرسل فى طلب Leila because she was experiencedذو خبرة and worked with him before in the Valley of the Nobles وادى النبلاء where they discovered a tomb. He was optimisticمتفائل and wanted to discover a royal tomb to have the support of the UNESCO for another year.

She was an Egyptian archaeologist who was fond ofمغرم بـ archaeology as Dr. Hafez used to come to their house and speak with her father about archaeology. As Leila's father was Dr. Hafez's friend, he used to show him some pictures. Leila became interested inمهتمة بـ archaeology and she decided to take Dr. Hafez as a good example in that field.

She was Leila's sister and a journalistصحفية. Unlike على عكسLeila she was optimistic and funny, but Leila was worried and nervousعصبية.

The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture.منظمة الأمم المتحدة للتربية والعلوم و الثقافة

An animal like a camel, but shorter. The Incas used it to carry their things on it. They drewرسم it in their tombs and put gold figuresأشكال ذهبية of llama inside their tombs.

The capital of the Inca Empire. It is more than three thousands metres high.

Leila woke up in the morning and she had no idea whether she was in Peru or in Egypt. Then she remembered that she was back in Cairo with her parents and her sister Samira. She became sure when she heard the familiar sounds of the children playing in the street, the call of the man selling melons and the distant roar of traffic. Her sister was doing something in the kitchen. These sounds were not familiar in Peru where she lived high in the mountains.
On the table beside her bed, there was a photo. She picked it up. She was holding up a little gold figure of an animal {llama} in the photo.

She remembered that good day because everything went well on that day. Dr. Hafez was excited and insisted on taking her that photograph and she sent it by e-mail to Samira.
Leila was shivering when she remembered what happened after that in Peru. Two months ago, she set off her biggest adventure. She began to remember the details. She was in the car with Samira. They were going to the airport and the airport road was crowded as usual. Samira never stopped talking. Leila was nervous about flying.

Samira: You must be excited to be going to Peru?
Leila: Yes, of course. I've never been to South America before. I spent most of the last night packing my luggage. I hope I haven't forgotten anything.
Samira: Don't worry, every one forgets something. The last time I went away, I forgot half my things. I couldn't understand why my luggage wasn't heavier.
Samira was funny, full of enthusiasmالحماس and optimistic. Leila was worried and nervous.

1. What do you know about the Incas?
They ruled a huge empire although they didn't know any writing. They sacrificed children to please their gods. They killed women and servants to look after the king after death.
2. Who was Dr. Hafez?
He was a famous archaeologist who worked in Peru.
3. What made Leila sure she was back in Cairo?
She heard the familiar sounds of children playing in the street. A man was selling melons. The distant roar of traffic. Samira was making coffee in the kitchen.
4. What did Leila look at on the table?
She looked at a picture which was taken to her by Dr Hafez in Peru because she discovered a gold figure of a llama which might prove the tomb was royal.
5. What did the Incas use the llama for?
They used the llama to carry things on their backs. The wheel was difficult to use because of the high altitudes. ارتفاعات
6. When did Leila begin her adventure?
Two months ago.
7. Why was Leila excited?
She had never been to South America before.
8. Although Leila and Samira were sisters, they were different. Explain.
Samira was funny and full of enthusiasmحماس , but Leila was nervous and worried.

Samira: You must tell Dr. Hafez to take good care of you. I don't you falling off a mountain in the Andes. His excavation work is high up in the mountains, isn't it?
Leila: Yes, it is about two and a half thousand metres. The Incas lived at high altitudes. They didn't know any writing and yet they controlled a huge empire.
Samira: But Dr. Hafez is looking for a king's tomb, isn't he?
Leila: Yes, the Incas conquered the Chimu who were famous for their gold and silver work. Only kings and nobles had things made of gold. I'm also taking Dr. Hafez a small machine and details of anew technique developed by the department of archaeology here in Cairo.
Leila was taking a small laser machine and they wanted to keep it secret because they wanted to be the first to use it. "It is a small laser to date things. It is the latest technology," said Leila. "Not many people know about it," she added.
Samira was a journalist/ reporter on one of Cairo newspapers and she was excited to find articles and their headlines" SECRETS OF AN INCA TOMB" "EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGIST FINDS INCA TREASURE" You must get lots of interesting stories," said Samira.
The car behind woke Samira from her dreams and the traffic light had turned green. They arrived at the airport. Leila had her luggage checked. Samira hugged and kissed Leila.
Samira: You are going far away.
Leila: It is all right, Samira. I'm only going for a few weeks.
Samira: I'll miss you big sister.
Leila: I'll miss you too. I'm not very good at keeping in touch when I'm working. But I'll
send a postcard or may be an e-mail.

1. What was Dr. Hafez searching for?
He searched for a king's tomb.
2. Why did the Incas conquer the Chimu?
They were famous for their gold and silver works.
3. What did Leila take to Dr. Hafez?
A small laser machine and some details about the latest developments in archaeology.
4. Why did they want to keep the machine as a secret?
They wanted to be the first to use it.
5. How would they use the laser machine?
To date old things.
6. What headlines did Samira suggest in her newspaper?
"Secrets of an Inca tomb." "Egyptian archaeologist finds Inca treasure."
7. How would Leila be in touch with Samira?
They would send e-mails.

1. Leila spent most of the night before her flight…………………………………….
2. Unlike Samira, Leila was …………………………………………………….
3. Dr. Hafez went to Peru to ………………………………………………….. .
4. Only kings and nobles had ………………… in their tombs.
5. Samira's job was …………………………….

1. Why was Leila pleased when she came back to Cairo?
Because her adventure in Peru was over and now she is safe.
2. What familiar sounds did Leila hear in Cairo?
She heard children playing in the streets, a man was selling melons,
a distant roar of the traffic and her sister Samira was making coffee.
3. What did the photo remind Leila of?
It reminded Leila of her adventure in Peru.
4. Why did Leila go to Peru?
She went there to join Dr Hafez's excavation.
5. How was Leila different from Samira?
She was nervous and worried, unlike Samira who was funny and optimistic.
6. What strange thing did the Incas do?
They sacrificed children to please their gods. They ruled a huge empire, yet they didn't know any writings.
7. What did Leila take to Dr Hafez?
She took a small laser machine to date things and some papers about the latest developments in archaeology from Cairo University.
8. What was Samira's job? How did she make use of her sister's adventure?
Samira was a reporter and she wrote in the newspapers about her sister's adventure in Peru.
9. Why did Samira want Dr Hafez to take care of Leila?
Because most of their excavation was high up at high altitude.
10. What were the Chimu famous for?
They were famous for their gold and silver artifacts.
11. Why was using the laser machine a sort of secret?
They wanted to be the first to use it.
12. Leila must have been so excited to be going to Peru. Explain why?
She had never been to South America before.
13. "Dr Hafez is looking for a king's tomb, isn't he?"
a) Who said this to whom? Samira said this to Leila.
b) What was Dr Hafez's job? He was the leader of the excavation in Peru.
c) Why was discovering a king's tomb exciting?
They wanted to discover tombs outside Egypt and they wanted the support from the UNESCO.
14. "Not many people know about it. Yes, it is sort of secret."
a) Who said this to whom? Leila said this to Samira.
b) What was she talking about? She was talking about the laser machine.
c) Why did they want to keep it secret? They wanted to be the first to use it.
1. It was familiar thing for Leila to hear…………………………………….
2. Only kings and nobles had ……………………………………………….
3. Samira imagined seeing the headlines about ……………………………
4. The Incas conquered the Chimu who …………………………………….
5. It was easy to date things by ……………………………………………….

Answers: 1. the sounds of the children playing in the street.
2. things made of gold.
3. her sister's adventure in Peru.
4. were famous for their gold and silver things.
5. using the laser machine.
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chapter 1 the land of the Incas
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