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 The man on the plane

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

The man on the plane Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The man on the plane   The man on the plane Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:04 pm

There wasn't any direct flight رحلة مباشرة from Cairo to
Lima, the capital of Peru, so Leila had to take a connecting flightرحلة مكملة to New York and From New York to Lima.
It was a long flight to New York as New York is seven hours behind Cairo. She read a book at first. Then she slept. She had to stay in a hotel at the airport to wait for her next flight to Peru. At 6 o'clock a.m. she was on board the plane to Lima. She asked for a window seat as she had a desire to watch the skyscrapers ناطحات السحاب of New York. The tall buildings shone in the morning sunlight. There was a man sitting next to her and he began to speak with her.
He was called Martin Lander as he said later when they were going to land in Lima airport.
He was in his mid thirties with fair hair and sun tanned faceوجة محروق من الشمس. His sleeves أكمام were rolled upملفوف. He was neither a businessman nor a tourist.
Lander: Beautiful, isn't it?
Leila: Yes, it is amazing.
Lander: Was this your first visit to America?
Leila: I only changed planes in New York. I arrived last night. It can hardly be a visit.
Lander: Are you going to Peru for a holiday?
Leila: No, not really. It is a business trip.رحلة عمل
Lander: Me too. I'm a mining engineer. مهندس تعدين
Leila: And what kind of mining are you doing in Peru?
Lander: There are plenty of copper mines مناجم نحاس and silver mines already in Peru. I'm
looking for places where there are other interesting things to find.
Leila: Does your work take you all over Peru?
Lander: I work all over the country. I'm based in أعيش فى the United States, but I spend
a few months every year in Peru.
Leila: Are you American?
Lander: I have an American passport. I was born in South Africa. You said you were going to Peru on business. Can I ask what kind of business?
Leila told him about the archaeological dig الحفر الأثرى and that was part of the UNESCO programme. He asked her if the UNESCO had Peruvian archaeologists in Egypt. She told him that was possible because there were similarities تشابه between both civilizations.
Leila told him that she was a research assistantمعيدة at Cairo University.
Lander: What made you take up يمارس archaeology?
Leila was fond of Dr. Hafez who was her father's friend and used to visit them and show them some pictures. Leila loved that field المجالand decided to follow his footsteps.تحذو حذوة
Lander: Did you study with him at Cairo?
Leila didn't have her degreeالدرجة الجامعية from Cairo University and got it from the Italian instituteالمعهد الإيطالى of archaeology in Rome because she didn't want any one to say that Dr. Hafez was giving her a special treatmentمعاملة خاصة. Leila worked with Dr. Hafez in the Valley of the Nobles النبلاء at Luxor where they discovered a tomb. There were colourful paintings of birds and animals on the walls.
Lander: Are you hoping to find tombs like that in Peru?
Leila knew what kind of man she was talking to. He was confidentواثق and his questions are easy to answer. That would be dangerous on her work. The flight attendantمضيفة came with food and drink. Leila decided to stop talking. After eating, she opened her briefcaseالحافظة and got out some papers that she had brought from Cairo. When she finished, she folded طوى the papers up and put them in the pocketجراب in the seat in front of her. They showed a movieفيلم, but Leila didn't watch it. She must have been a sleep. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man sitting next to her looking for some thing in the pocket of the plane; she yawned and pretended to wake up.

He apologized and said that he was looking for the in-flight magazine.
She gave him her magazine, but she didn't sleep that time.

1. Why did Leila have to take a connecting flight to Peru?
There was no direct flight from Cairo to Lima, so Leila had to go to New York to change planes.
2. What did Leila do during her flight to New York?
She read a book and slept.
3. What did the man look like?
He was in mid thirties with fair hair and sun-tanned face. His sleeves were rolled up.
4. What did the man on the plane say about his job?
He said that he was a mining engineer.
5. What was Lander's nationality?
He was born in South Africa and had an American passport.
6. What made Leila take up archaeology?
She was fond of Dr Hafez who was a family friend. When she was young, he used to visit them and show them pictures of archaeology. Leila liked that field and decided to follow his footsteps.
7. Where did Leila study archaeology? Why?
In the Italian Institute of archaeology in Rome. She was a girl of principles as she didn't want anyone to say that Dr Hafez was giving her a special treatment or a family friend.
8. Where did Leila work with Dr. Hafez before?
In the valley of the Nobles in Luxor. The paintings were wonderful and they found some jewellery.
9. What did they discover in the tomb of Sennofer?
Some jewellery and colourful paintings of birds and animals.
10. Why did Leila decide to stop answering Lander's questions?
His questions were easy to answer. He was confident.
11. What did Lander say he was looking for?
He was looking for interesting things underground.
12. What similarity was there between archaeology and mining?
They both dig for valuable things underground.
13." Beautiful! Isn't it?"
a. Who said this to whom? Martin Lander to Leila.
b. What did he mean? The view of the skyscrapers in the shinning sun.

They didn't talk again until they were going to land in Lima. The first sight of Lima was disappointingمحبط . There were a lot of clouds.
Lander: There is nearly always this thick cloud over Lima. Disappointing, isn't it?
Leila: Yes, but I'm not staying in Lima. We are taking a flight to Cuzco.
Lander: In that case, I might see you again. I'm going to be working around Cuzco.
Leila was nervous because the plane was about to land. She didn't like seeing the ground coming up to meet the plane. This time the pilot made a perfect landing. They went off the plane. She was aware that Martin Lander was behind. They stopped Leila in the customs to ask her about the laser machine, but they let her in when she showed them the papers that she was part of the UNESCO programme. Dr. Hafez called her.

Hafez: How are you? How was your flight? How is your father? And Samira?
Leila told him that they sent their greetings to him.
Hafez: Did you bring the laser?
Leila: They asked me about it in customs.
Leila noticed that Dr. Hafez was looking at some one behind. She expected to find Lander. She had to introduce him to Dr. Hafez.
Hafez: Haven't we met before somewhere? In the Machu Picchu area.
Lander: I'm afraid that wasn't me. I'm a mining engineer, not an archaeologist. I'm sure I would have remembered meeting you. But it is a pleasure to meet you now. Your assistant has been telling me about your work in Egypt.
Leila: Dr. Hafez. I think we need to go. The plane to Cuzco leaves very soon.
Hafez: Nice to meet you Mr. Mander.
Martin Lander didn't correct his name. "I hope we meet again in Peru."

1. Why was the first sight of Lima disappointing?
There were clouds over Lima.
2. Why was Leila nervous when the plane landed?
She didn't like the sight of the ground meeting the plane.
3. What made the customs officers stop Leila in Peru?
To ask her about the laser machine.
4. Why did the customs men let Leila through?
She showed them the papers that she part of the UNESCO program.
5. Where did Dr. Hafez think he met Lander before in Peru?
In the area of Machu Picchu.
6. "They asked me about it in customs."
a) What was Leila talking about?
The laser machine.
b) What are the two ways used to date things?
The carbon dating machine and the laser machine.
c) What else was Leila taking to Dr. Hafez?
Some papers about the latest development in archaeology.
7. Why didn't Lander correct his name?
He didn't want to speak much with Lander because he might remember him.
8. What did Martin assure to Dr. Hafez?
They hadn't met before.
9. Why did Dr. Hafez look puzzled when he saw Lander?
He thought he met him before.
10. "Are you going to Peru for a holiday?"
a) Who was the speaker to whom?
Lander said this to Leila.
b) Why was that person going to Peru?
For joining to Dr Hafez's digging.
c) What was the speaker's job?
He said he was a mining engineer.
11. "Nice to meet you Mr. Mander."
a) Who was the speaker?
Dr Hafez.
b) Why didn't the listener correct his name?
………………………………………………. .

c) What was the listener's answer?
He denied meeting Dr Hafez.
12. " Can I ask what kind of business?"
a) Who was the speaker?
b) What was the answer given?
She was part of the UNESCO program in Peru.
c) How did the speaker feel when he heard the answer?
He seemed excited.
13. "What made you take up archaeology?"
a) Why did Leila take up archaeology?
…………………………………………………………………. .
b) Where did she get her degree?
…………………………………………………………………. .
c) Why did she refuse to study at Cairo University?
…………………………………………………………………. .
14. "Haven't we met before?"
a) Who was the speaker to whom?
Dr Hafez said this to Lander.
b) Why was the speaker puzzled?
He was sure that he met him.
c) What did the man deny?
He denied meeting him.

A: Answer the following questions:
1. Why did Leila go to Peru?
2. Where did Leila study archaeology? Why?
Read and answer:

"Haven't we met before?"
a) Who was the speaker to whom?
b) What was the man's answer?

1. Although Leila and Samira were ………………………………………………..
2. Leila became sure that she was back in Cairo when…………………………….

1. Why did Leila have to spend a night in New York?
Because her flight to South America would be delayed and
she went there to change flights as there was no direct flight from Cairo to Lima.
2. How was New York different from Lima?
New York is beautiful and full of skyscrapers, but Lima is disappointing and full of clouds.
3. What did Lander tell Leila on the plane?
He said that he was a mining engineer and worked for the United Mining.
4. What happened when Leila said to Lander that she was an archaeologist?
He seemed very interested.
5. What made Leila take up archaeology?
She was fond of Dr Hafez who was a family friend. When she was young, he used to visit them and show them pictures of archaeology. Leila loved that field and decided to follow Dr Hafez's footsteps.
6. Prove that Leila was a girl of principles?مبادىء
She didn't want any one to say that Dr Hafez was giving her special treatment or a family friend.
7. Where did Leila get her degree?
She got her degree from the Italian Institute of archaeology in Rome.
8. What did Leila and Dr Hafez discover? Where?
They worked together in the valley of the nobles in Luxor where they discovered the tomb of Sennofer. The painting were beautiful and there was jewellery.
9. Why did Leila decide to stop talking with Lander?
His questions were easy to answer and she revealed lots of secrets that she shouldn't have talked about.
10. Who was waiting for Leila in Lima airport?
Dr Hafez was waiting Leila in the airport.
11. Why did Leila become nervous on the plane?
She didn't like the sight of the ground coming up to meet the plane.
12. Why did the customs officials stop Leila at Lima airport?
They wanted to ask her about the laser machine.
13. When did they let Leila through?
When she told them she was part of the UNESCO and showed them the papers.
14. Where did Dr Hafez think he met Lander? What was he doing?
In the area of Machu Picchu where he was doing some archaeological digging.
15. Why didn't Lander correct his name to Dr Hafez?
He didn't want Dr Hafez to talk with him much in order not to remember him and it wasn't necessary to correct that name as it was a false name.
16. "Haven't we met before"
a) Who was the speaker to whom? b) Where did he think he met him?
c) What was the response of the listener?
17. Although Lander was born in South Africa, ……………………………………….
18. Lander said that he worked for ……………………………………………………..
19. Lander said that he was looking for …………………………………………………
20. They stopped Leila at the customs …………………………………………………..
21. Lander hoped to meet Dr Hafez in ………………………………………………….
22. " Was this your first visit to America?'
a) Who was the speaker to whom? b) Where did the conversation happen?
c) Where were they going? Why?
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
The man on the plane
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