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 The flight to Cuzco

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

The flight to Cuzco Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The flight to Cuzco   The flight to Cuzco Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:06 pm

They took off from Lima Airport towards Cuzco. Leila saw the coastal plain السهل الساحلى which looked very dry and reminded her of the Egyptian desert. After that, she saw the high mountains of the Andes. Although the place is near the equatorخط الإستواء, there is snow on the tops. The mountains were green and she could see fast flowing rivers. There was a big party of German tourists. Dr. Hafez read through the papers, "It is just I thought."
He told Leila that the papers showed that they were working on the right lines. They were digging in a site near Quenco. It would take three hours by car from Cuzco to go there.
They believe there was a great city there.
Hafez: Everyone knows about Machu Picchu, a city lost for hundreds of years.
The German tourists were going to that lost city. Leila asked him about what they had found. He told Leila that she came at a good time because two days ago, they found a wall in the city and they thought it might be the wall of a tomb. "We are going to break into the tomb this week," said Hafez.
He thought that it might be the tomb of a king. He told Leila that he was excited because she was in Peru now and it was possible to discover a tomb like the one they discovered in Luxor and their experience would help them. He told her that there are some similarities between the Incas and the ancient Egyptians.
a) They put gold and silver objects inside their tombs.
b) They dressed their kings beautifully.
c) They put gold masks on the kings' faces.
d) They put gold figures of animals inside their tombs, cats and llamas.
e) They put food and drink beside the dead because they believed in the other world.
f) They mummified their kings and queens.
There are some differences:
a) On festivals, the Incas carried their mummified kings a long the streets.
b) The Incas killed the servants and the women to take care of the dead king.
c) The Incas used to enter their tombs every year, but the Pharaohs put a curse on the tombs.
Hafez: Leila, that man we met at the airport. Mander, was that his name?
Leila: Martin Lander. He said he works for the United Mining.
Hafez: I'm sure I had met him before. His name wasn't Lander. He used to work for the
United Mining. He got involved with some people who were taking Inca objects out of the country. I think he had to leave his job with the United Mining. I don’t think the United Mining is working in Peru now.
Leila: May be it is a different man. Lander said he didn't know you.
Hafez: You didn't tell him about our work, did you?
Leila: I told him a little about it. But not much.
Hafez: You must be careful. There are people who come to Peru to and dig up old Inca cities. They don't care about the things of the past. They find gold and silver and take them out of the country. These things should be in museums for everyone to see. But the thieves sell them to rich collectors.
Leila: Don't they know the things were stolen?
Hafez: Some do. Some don't, but most of them don't care. Be careful what you say and who you speak to.
Dr. Hafez told Leila that he organized his work into two teams and Leila would be in charge of a small team, three local archaeologists. He chose her because a) she was still young. b)She was experienced. c) She could speak English well. d)He trusted her and she understood him. Leila was surprised that Dr. Hafez put her on the head of a team. "Are you sure it is a good idea for me to be in charge of a team?"

1. Where would Leila, Dr. Hafez and the tourists go?
They would go to Cuzco and then Dr Hafez and Leila would go to Quenco, but the tourists would go to Machu Picchu.
2. What was Dr. Hafez's impression when he read the papers brought from Cairo?
He was contented because they showed that they were working along the right line.
3. Where were the German tourists going?
They were going to Machu Picchu.
4. Why did Hafez say that Leila came at a good time?
Two days ago, they discovered a wall to a tomb that might be royal.
5. Why did he believe the tomb might be royal before entering it?
There were marks on the wall and there was a picture of a llama, the symbol of the royal tombs.
6. What are the similarities between the Incas and the ancient Egyptians?
7. What are the differences between the Incas and the ancient Egyptians?
8. What was strange about the Andes?
The place is near the equator, there is snow on the top.
9. What made Lander leave his job with the United Mining?
He got involved with people who stole valuable things from Peru.
10. How did Dr. Hafez organize work?
He divided his work into two teams and Leila would be in charge of one of them.

The FASTEN SEAT BELTS sign came on and the plane started to descendتنزل. Leila's hands were shaking.
Dr. Hafez: You look a bit paleشاحب. Are you all right?
Leila: I don't like landing especially in small planes.
Cuzco Airport was small. The tourists went off first. Smiling men and women were waiting for them. When they got out the airport, Leila saw a woman at the same age of hers and she was waiting them. She was wearing trousers, a brown shirt and a short overcoat.
Hafez: Leila, I want you to meet Amalia Guzman, one of the local archaeologists working on our excavation. Amalia, this is Leila El Assaby. She's flown all the way from Cairo to work with us.
Amalia: Did you have a good flight?
Leila: Yes, it was fine. I'm feeling a bit tired.
Hafez; Leila doesn't like flying.
Amalia looked at Leila without a smile. She offered to help Dr. Hafez although he was carrying light luggageأمتعة خفيفة and she didn't offer to help Leila who was carrying much luggage. Amalia drove the Land Roverسيارات مجهزة للجبال and chatted يتحدث with Dr. Hafez all the road. Leila hoped that she wouldn't let Dr. Hafez down.تخذلة
1. Why did Amalia leave a bad impression on Lela?
She didn't offer to help Leila, she didn't smile when she met her.
2. Amalia was …………… (a local archaeologist from Peru.)
3. Out of Professional jealousy بدافع الغيرة فى العمل, Amalia ………………..
Left a bad impression on Leila.

1. What did the papers Leila brought prove to Dr Hafez?
It proved that they were on the right lines.
2. Why did Dr Hafez go to Quenco in the first time?
He went there to meet the UNESCO people.
3. Why did they want the UNESCO to have a good impression about their work?
They needed the support of the UNESCO for another year.
4. What was Machu Picchu?
It was a great Inca city that was lost hundreds of years ago.
5. Why did Dr Hafez think that Leila came at a good time?
Two days ago, they discovered a wall to a tomb that might be a royal tomb.
6. What proved that the tomb might be royal?
There were marks on the wall and the picture of the llama.
7. How did the Incas use the llama?
They used it to carry their things on their backs.
8. What are the similarities between the Pharaohs and the Incas in the way of burying?
a) They put gold objects inside their tombs. b) They put gold figures of animals.
c) They put gold masks on their faces. d) They put food and drink.
e) They mummified their kings. f) They dressed them well.
9) What were the differences?
a) They carried their mummified kings on litters through the streets at festivals.
b) They used to kill servants and women to look after the dead king.
10) Where did they put the things they find?
They should put them in museums.
11. How did Dr Hafez organize work?
He divided his work into two teams and Leila would be in charge of a small one.
12. Why did Leila have a good impression about Amalia?
She wasn't friendly to her. She didn't offer to help her even though she was carrying much luggage and she didn't even smile.
13. "Did you have a good flight?"
a) Who was the speaker to whom?............................................................................
b) Where are they? ………………………………………………………………….
c) Why did the speaker leave a bad impression on the listener?............................
14. "Don't these collectors know the things were stolen?"
a) Who was the speaker to who? ................................................................................
b) What was the listener's response? ........................................................................
c) Why did the listener advise the speaker to be careful? .......................................
15. "These papers show we are working along the right lines."
a) Who said this to whom? .........................................................................................
b) Who brought the papers? ......................................................................................
c) By who were the papers developed? .....................................................................
16. Machu Picchu was ……………………………………………………………………
17. Lander was involved with ……………………………………………………………
18. People come to Peru to ………………………………………………………………
19. Dr Hafez chose Leila to be in charge because …………………………………….
20. Leila didn't like the sight of the ground ……………………………………………
21. Although Leila was in a bad need of help, …………………………………………
22. Amalia Guzman was ……………………………………………………………….
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The flight to Cuzco
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