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 A meeting in Quenco

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

A meeting in Quenco Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: A meeting in Quenco   A meeting in Quenco Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:09 pm

Leila was worried about the tomb and was upset because Amalia was unfriendly. Dr. Hafez was trying to fix his lap top.
Leila: Are you busy Dr. Hafez?
Hafez: I'm having problems with my computer. I'll have to go into our office in Quenco
and see if they can help. Would you like to come with me?
Leila: Aren't we going to explore the tomb?
Hafez: We'll start the day after tomorrow.

Dr. Hafez needed to have his lap top fixed and to meet the UNESCO people before they come to inspect them. Leila told Dr. Hafez that Amalia was unfriendly towards her.
Leila: She isn't very friendly towards me. I don't think that she likes me so much.
Dr. Hafez advised Leila to take Amalia as a friend because they were archaeologists in the same site, they were the same age and Amalia was a good archaeologist. She knew more about the site. Dr. Hafez trusted her much.

Hafez: She is a good archaeologist. She knows a lot about these tombs.
She's done good work on this excavation.
Dr. Hafez invited Leila to come with him to Quenco to see the Spanish style houses and squares in the old part of the town. Amalia drove them to Quenco. Dr. Hafez didn't like driving in foreign countries. Dr. Hafez told Leila about the best places to see in the town. She wandered and Dr. Hafez went to the project office. Women dressed in colourful hats and dresses sat in the sunshine.
Children ran after Leila laughing and clapping. She became tired and she decided to search or a café to have something cool and rest. She would meet Dr. Hafez at 12 o'clock at the Grand Hotel. She read a sign in the street that there would be a café nearby. She saw the sign of the café and there were people sitting in the sunshine. She wanted a table out of the sun. She saw Amalia. She hesitated and then she thought that it would be a good chance to make friends with her. When she moved to go to Amalia, she saw something that made her stop dead.

1. Why was Leila upset concerning Amalia?
She was unfriendly towards Leila.
2. What was Dr. Hafez doing with his lap top?
He was trying to fix it.
3. Why would Dr. Hafez go to Quenco for the second time?
He wanted to have his lap top fixed and meet the UNESCO people.
4. Why did Dr. Hafez advise Leila to take Amalia as a friend?
They are archaeologists in the same site. They are the same age. Dr Hafez trusted her.
5. Why did Dr. Hafez invite Leila to come with him to Quenco?
He wanted her to see the Spanish style of buildings and squares.
6. Why did Dr Hafez prefer Amalia to drive them?
He didn't like driving in foreign countries.
7. How were the people in the town?
Women were sitting in the sun with colourful hats and dresses.
8. How did the children behave towards Leila?
They ran after her laughing and clapping.

9. Why did Leila want to go a café?
To have a rest and a cool drink.
10. Who did Leila see sitting in the café?
Amalia was sitting with Lander.
11. What did Leila think when she saw Amalia at the café?
She thought of going to sit with her and make friendship.
12. What stopped Leila from going to Amalia and making friendship with her?
She saw Lander sitting with her.

Leila saw Lander sitting with Amalia at the same table. She didn't want them to see her. She hid herself. "What was he doing there?" Amalia seemed upset, but she was shaking her head. Leila noticed Pablo going in the direction of the UNESCO office. Leila had to go to meet Dr. Hafez because it was 12. She decided to tell Dr. Hafez about what she had seen in the café.

Hafez: I was wondering what happened.
Leila: Quick! Come with me. I have to show you something.
They went to the square and looked at the table where Amalia and Lander had left their position to other strangers.
Leila: I think they were sitting at that table. You remember what you told me about Lander?
Hafez: Are you sure it was the same man? I can't believe Amalia would anything wrong.
I don't think you should be suspicious, Leila. You should be a bit like your sister.
Dr. Hafez invited Leila to have lunch in a good restaurant, family cooking.
Hafez: I know you don't like Amalia and may be she doesn't like you because you are
my assistant or because you are in charge of her team.
I'll have a word with her about that. You must try to work with her.
She is a good member of this excavation.
Dr. Hafez paid the bill and told Leila that he had his computer fixed and they were going into the tomb the next day. When they got back to the camp, Leila logged on to the internet. She called up the United Mining Website.
"PERU: United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999. There are no plans to survey or mine in Peru at the present time. "
Leila was sure that Lander was a liar, but why was Amalia sitting with him.

1. What did Leila want to show Dr. Hafez?
Amalia sitting with Lander.
2. Why couldn't Leila succeed in her trial to prove that Amalia was involved with Lander?
They had left their place to two strangers.
3. Why was Amalia jealous of Leila?
She became Dr Hafez's first assistant. She became in charge of her team.
4. What did Leila search for on the internet?
The United Mining in Peru.
5. How did Leila make sure that Lander was a liar?
She found that the United Mining operations in Peru ended in 1999. They had no plans.
6. What was Dr. Hafez's opinion of Amalia?
She was a good archaeologist. He trusted her. She knew more about their work.

1. " A meeting in Quenco." Who met whom in Quenco?
Lander met Amalia in Quenco and seen by Leila
although he had a meeting with Pablo without being seen.
2. Why did Dr Hafez have to go to Quenco for the second time?
He wanted to have his lap top fixed at their office and needed to
see the UNESCO people before their coming visit.
3. Why was Amalia not friendly towards Leila?
Because she became Dr Hafez's first assistant and she was in charge of Amalia's team.
4. What did Dr Hafez advise Leila to do concerning her relation with Amalia?
He advised Leila to take Amalia as a friend of hers because Amalia was a good archaeologists and she had experience about their work. Dr Hafez trusted Amalia and they were at the same age and were working in the same site.
5. Why did Dr Hafez want Leila to go with him to Quenco?
He wanted her to see the Spanish style of buildings and squares.
6. Why didn't Dr Hafez drive the car to Quenco?
He didn't like driving in foreign countries.
7. What did the children do with Leila in Quenco?
They ran after her, laughing and clapping their hands.
8. Why didn't Leila make friendship with Amalia when she saw her in the café?
Because she saw Lander sitting with her.
9. How did Leila make sure that Lander was a liar?
When she got onto the United Mining Website, she found out that their operations in Peru ended in 1999 and they had no plans to survey at the present time.
10. " She isn't very friendly towards me." "I don't think she likes me."
a) Who said this to whom?..........................................................................
b) Who didn't like the speaker?..................................................................
c) In the speaker's opinion, why didn't that person like her/ him?..............
11. "Dr Hafez. Come with me. I have to show you something."
a) Who was the speaker?...................................................................................
b) What did the speaker want to show Dr Hafez?..........................................
c) Was the speaker's plan successful? Why / Why not?..................................
12. "I think there were sitting at that table."
a) Who said this to whom?..................................................................................
b) Who were sitting at that table?......................................................................
c) Why didn't they find them at that table?.......................................................
13. "I'll have a word with her about that."
a) Who said this to whom?...................................................................................
b) To whom will he speak?...................................................................................
c) What did the word "that " refer to?................................................................
1. In Quenco, Leila saw women ………………………………………………….. .
2. In Peru, Leila was tired as a result of a combination of ……………………... .
3. Leila saw Lander and Amalia sitting at …………………………………….… .
4. Amalia was jealous of Leila because ……………………………………………. .
5. When Leila logged onto the United Mining Website, she found ……………….
1. dressed in colourful hats and dresses sitting in the sun.
2. jet- lag and the high altitude.
3. a table in a café. 4. she became Dr Hafez's first assistant.
5. their operations in Peru ended in 1999.
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A meeting in Quenco
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