مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: 3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:    3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:  Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:13 pm

1- This medicine is safe. There are no…………… .
a. top effects b. side effects c. leaks d. waste
2- I'm going to have lunch with friends tomorrow. We are………...at the restaurant at 12.30.
a. meet b. will meet c. going to meet d. would meet
3- The………….between Cairo and my town is 650 kilometres.
a. district b. area c. distance d. space
4- It is hard to walk in space because there is no…………… .
a. gravity b. waiting c. spin d. air
5- In Britain, children………….secondary school from the age of 11.
a. go b. intend c. share d. attend
6- Most furniture……………….from wood.
a. made b. make c. is made d. makes
7- Many people…………..vegetables in their gardens.
a. grow b. growing c. are grown d. is grown
8- In very hot weather, ice cream turns to…….……… .
a. water b. soft c. liquid d. solid
9- We call oil and coal…………….fuels.
a. fossil b. old c. renewable d. waste
10- She…….…..an archaeologist when she leaves University. That is her plan.
a. become b. will become c. am becoming d. is going to become
11- He is flying to London at the weekend. His fight……………at 5.30 in the morning.
a. leaving b. leaves c. left d. leave
12- We don't have……....……time. We'll have to hurry.
a. many b. some c. a lot d. much
13- My friend and I look very different, but our personalities are…………… .
a. alike b. same c. common d. like
14- Six months…..…..…….half a year.
a. are b. is c. be d. am
15- The walls of the……..…....were built to protect the town.
a. pyramid b. mission c. castle d. house
16- I am writing………….that my teacher asked for.
a. essay b. a essay c. the essay d. that essay
17- I expect I …………....you at the weekend.
a. am going to see b. see c. am seeing d. 'll see
18- After the accident, the doctor………..….her to check she was not injured.
a. examined b. looked at c. tested d. studied
19- Do you have…….....…free time this afternoon?
a. the b. a c. many d. any
20- We went to the opening of a new school last week. It was a very interesting………….. .
a. view b. time c. occasion d. situation
21- Petrol……….….from oil.
a. made b. makes c. is made d. are made
22- Wind and wave power are types of………………energy.
a. new b. waste c. renewable d. cheap
23- When I was younger, I ……………..went swimming every day.
a. usually b. used c. use d. used to
24- My sister………..….at University for three years. She comes home every weekend.
a. is b. has been c. is being d. had been
25- The Police think he did it. He is the main……………. .
a. suspect b. pioneer c. publisher d. agent
26- I really enjoy reading Agatha Christie novels. I particularly like her…………. .
a. way b. style c. system d. design
27 - It…………that air travel will become more popular in the future.
a. thinks b. thought c. was thought d. is thought
28- He did nothing wrong. He's………….. .
a. suspect b. guilty c. innocent d. sensible
29- If he doesn't get eight hours sleep every night, he……………really tired the next day.
a. feels b. will feel c. would feel d. is feeling
30- If I have any free time tomorrow, …..…..…….for a walk in the park.
a. I went b. I go c. I'd go d. I'll go
31- The piano is our favourite musical……………. .
a. tool b. instrument c. equipment d. device
32- Her Uncle can't remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have………….. .
a. injury b. amnesia c. phobia d. a headache
33- Don't worry. I'm sure…………them again soon.
a. you see b. you're seeing c. you'll see d. you're going to see
34- Wanting friends is part of human…………… .
a. nature b. conflict c. will d. life
35- They have just received this photo as an e-mail…………… .
a. post b. attachment c. letter d. part
36- Lightning is a dangerous but natural……………….. .
a. sight b. response c. eclipse d. phenomenon
37- She didn't see her brother this morning. He……………the flat very early.
a. must leave b. must have left c. can't leave d. can't have left
38-He left his glasses at school yesterday. I'm hoping someone………..…..found them.
a. must have b. might have c. can't have d. can have
39- The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to……………a train.
a. go b. bring c. come d. take
40- That plant has been………………so that it gets lots of light.
a. explored b. raised c. positioned d. put
41- Taha's mother asked him where ……..…… .
a. he had been b. had he been c. has he been d. he has been
42- She promised she…………...me as soon as the plane landed.
a. will phone b. phoned c. would phone d. phones
43- Is that someone………….…on our door? I'll see who it is.
a. hitting b. knocking c. smashing d. beating
44- Their uncle is a scientist. He's……………research into new forms of energy.
a. making b. taking c. getting d. doing
45- If you………….…earlier, you wouldn't have missed your train.
a. had left b. leave c. would have left d. left
46- ……….…..you work harder, you'll fail your exam.
a. If b. Unless c. When d. As
47- I'm hot today. How about…………..to the beach?
a. gone b. going c. went d. go
48- Accidents………...more frequently when the roads are busy.
a. take part b. come in c. cause d. occur
49- My cousin is very………….. .She loves meeting and talking to new people.
a. sociable b. ambitious c. well-organised d. conscientious
50- People understand what I'm saying when I speak Spanish, but I'm not………… .
a. fluent b. ideal c. mature d. qualified
51- The girl tried to……………me to lend her my phone, but I refused.
a. treat b. enroll c. provide d. persuade
52- One of the supermarkets in our town has 25…………. .
a. employers b. employees c. applicants d. merchants
53- The school………..every student with books, so you don't have to buy any yourself.
a. gives b. trains c. provides d. lends
54- Aisha's parents asked her…………she had finished her homework.
a. weather b. where c. if d. to
55- My friend's parents have invited me…………..on holiday with them next year.
a. for b. go c. going d. to go
56- Ali's doctor advised………..…..to stay at home if he was feeling ill.
a. he b. him c. it d. his
57- If it isn't too hot tomorrow, I …….……go swimming.
a. should b. must c. can't d. might
58- They………..…be at school by eight o'clock every day. School starts at eight.
a. have to b. should c. might d. can
60- You'll have to hurry. Your lesson……………in half an hour.
a. starts b. start c. will start d. is going to start
61- That tower is one of the town's most famous………….. .
a. landmarks b. marks c. events d. products
62- I'd like to get a job in the medical………… .
a. work b. career c. occupation d. profession
63- I wish I ………....where I left my jacket.
a. know b. knew c. had known d. could know
64- Heba wishes she………….all her money at the weekend.
a. didn't spend b. doesn't spend c. hasn't spent d. hadn't spent
65- My brother………....….his ambition when he became a doctor.
a. achieved b. won c. got d. made
66- After the storm, there was a huge……....…….of water on the roads.
a. lot b. amount c. number d. floods
67- Sara felt ill all night because she………..….too much the day before.
a. eats b. has eaten c. was eating d. had eaten
68- Hamdi was very tired yesterday evening because he……..……..for a school test all day.
a. revised b. revising c. had been revising d. has revised
69- I really……..…..….to very loud music in public places.
a. argue b. disagree c. can't stand d. object
70- Ahmed's friends didn't…...............him when he returned from a year abroad. He looked different.
a. recognise b. see c. look d. remember
71- My friend suggested……..………for a picnic in the park.
a. go b. to go c. going d. goes
72- We're planning………..……to Europe for our holiday next year.
a. flying b. to fly c. fly d. to flying
73- In some countries, people………..….the end of the year on December 31st.
a. enjoy b. celebrate c. have fun d. party
74- In our town, there are musicians who play…………..music.
a. tradition b. national c. folk d. historical
75- Whose…….……is it to make sure children arrive safely at school?
a. responsible b. responsibility c. response d. respond
76- Fifty pounds……….…..a lot for a cup of coffee.
a. are b. cost c. pay d. is
77- In some countries, people use a passport instead of……….….card.
a. an identity b. a personal c. a national d. an individual
78- Sayed………….the train. He was station half an hour before the train left.
a. can't miss b. didn't miss c. can't have missed d. must have missed
79- My friend advised me to see a doctor. I wish I ………….her advice now.
a. took b. take c. had taken d. have taken
80- Did they ever discover the………..….of the fire?
a. reason b. purpose c. explanation d. cause
81- My sister promised……….…..me after school this afternoon.
a. meeting b. to meet c. met d. meet
82- I've just finished a novel…….…….the main character an 80-year-old man.
a. which b. in which c. who d. whose
83- Have you heard? They've discovered a/an……………new treatment for flu.
a. effective b. useless c. real d. cruel
84- She………….sport as a very important part of her life.
a. thinks b. believes c. regards d. looks
85- On…………..that he had passed his driving test, Taha was very happy.
a. heard b. he heard c. to heard d. hearing
86- There was great………….when our team won the football match.
a. procession b. excitement c. imprisonment d. attachment
87- He wasn't getting enough exercise, ……….…..he joined a sports club.
a. and b. so c. although d. because
88- I've seen an interesting article on the internet which I have…………..onto.
a. done b. written c. downloaded d. received
89- By this time next week, the exam results will…………….. .
a. publish b. be publishing c. have published d. have been published
90- I like that photograph on your computer…………… .
a. glass b. screen c. film d. front
91- Nadir is really…………….about all kinds of sport. He loves playing and watching.
a. keen b. active c. enthusiastic d. interested
92- In some modern homes, water……………by energy from the sun.
a. heat b. are heated c. is heated d. is heating
93- My daily…………..starts when my alarm clock goes off at 6.30.
a. routine b. habit c. custom d. way
94- There's water all over the floor. Someone………..to turn off the shower.
a. must forget b. can have forgotten c. must have forgotten d. can't have forgotten
95- Her parents…………..have meetings with the teachers at her school.
a. totally b. gradually c. slowly d. regularly
96- My brother and I have just had a phone conversation…….we discussed our holiday plans.
a. which b. what c. in which d. to which
97- At the weekend, my aunt asked me what I …………..since we last met.
a. did b. was doing c. have done d. had been doing
98- Teachers are always encouraging their students to be…………and hard-working.
a. common b. confusing c. conventional d. conscientious
99- He wanted to know whether anyone…………..the book he was reading.
a. sees b. saw c. had seen d. has seen
100- My sister hasn't finished her course yet. She's still…………… .
a. a trainer b. an employee c. an employer d. a trainee
101- The best writers force their readers……………....about serious questions.
a. to think b. thinking c. thought d. think
102- A new supermarket in our town was opened by a well-known…………….yesterday.
a. celebrity b. famous c. character d. somebody
103- I think someone may have………….today's newspaper by mistake.
a. wasted b. thrown c. refused d. thrown away
104- I really………….phone my parents to tell them I'm going to be late home today.
a. need b. must c. can d. could
105- At her first school, she…………..to wear a blue uniform.
a. had b. must c. could d. has
106- He is thinking of…………..on a Business Studies course at the local college.
a. entering b. applying c. enrolling d. beginning
107- Pupils don't have to pay for their books. The school…………….them.
a. pays b. provides c. takes d. affords
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3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
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» Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

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