مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 88
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/05/2011

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d   Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d Icon_minitimeالخميس يونيو 09, 2011 5:33 pm

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- What are you going to ........... a quiz on?
a) make b)take c)do d)play
2- A person who studies buildings and tools from the past is a/an………………
a) engineer b) mechanic c) professor d) archaeologist
3- The ..... of my daughter's school is a very clever woman.
a) singer b) actress c) headmistress d) professor
4- There are wonderful..... at the Temple of Karnak.
a) statues b) houses c) schools d) classes
5-Dr Zewail.......... the femto second.
a) invented b) invited c) discovered d)made
6-The femto second is ..of one billionth of a second.
a) a million b) one million c) one millionth d) millions
7-Dr El-Baz .......... astronauts advice on where they should land on the moon.
a) took b)gave c)did d)had
8- ........... his help, I got high marks.
a) Because b)As c) Thanks to d) Although
9-He travelled abroad for the first time at the ........... of 20.
a) height b) weight c)age d) length
10- When the spaceship on the moon, the .......... came out to collect rocks and soil.
a) travelers b) passengers c) astronauts d) geologists
11-Remote sensing is the use of..... to take pictures of the earth.
a) magazines b) satellites c) stones d) televisions
12- Charles Dickens wrote great.......... like, "Oliver Twist".
a) plays b) novels c) reports d) poems
13- Thieves must go to ............. .
a) the cinema b) prison c) the restaurant d) school
14- A ….... writes for a newspaper.
a) scientist b) journalist c) teacher d) doctor
15- Naguib Mahfouz wrote novels to describe life in 20th ....... Egypt.
a) decade b)time c) century d) age
16- TV presenters …….. sports stars on most favorite TV programs.
a) test b) interview c) examine d) check
17-Oliver is the main …….in Dickens' story "Oliver Twist"
a) actor b) actress c) character d) student
18- If you spend too much money, you will be... debt.
a) on b)at c)over d) in
19- Oliver Twist grew up in a ................ .
a) workshop b) garage c) factory d) workhouse
20-Because the man didn't have children, he…..a child
a) adopted b) adapted c) admired d) adored
21-A..... of thieves broke into the bank and stole a lot of money.
a) company b) crowd c)gang d)team
22-The gang .... the child and kept him as a hostage.
a) found b) held c) helped d) kidnapped
23-The writer wrote a/an ................ of his own life.
a) biography b) autobiography c) paragraph d) e-mail
24-Wise people should learn the ......... of the stories they read.
a) morals b) minerals c) mirrors d) mayors
25-If you are ....... trouble, call the police at once.
a) on b)in c)at d) with
26- The human brain is ......... .
a) uncomfortable b) incredible c) probable d) possible
27- When you operate your computer, enter the ....
a) passport b) password c) crossword d) vocabulary
28- The weather is .......... good today.
a) quit b) quiet c) quite d) quietly
29- I always set the alarm to...sure I'll get up on time
a) take b)do c)make d) wake
30-The human brain ............ all senses.
a) plays b) controls c) examines d) checks
31-The human brain ................ about 1 kg.
a) weighs b) costs c)buys d) sells
31-Brains store past ....................
a) memories b) souvenirs c) museums d) merchants
32-Have you ......... any calls today?
a) taken b) received c) guessed d) closed
33- I don't know who is phoning. Can you ...............?
a) find b) guess c) reach d) remember
34-Taha Hussein lost his ............. when he was young.
a) touch b) eyesight c) hearing d) smell
35- Pictures can help children learn new .................. .
a) friends b) bikes c) words d) days
36- Abu- Heif was welcomed as a national hero when he ......... the record for swimming across the English Channel.
a) beat b) won c) broke d) gained
37- Fishing and cycling are ........ activities.
a)indoor b) indoors c) outdoor d) outdoors
38-Fishermen use ....... to attract fish to their fishing lines.
a) base b) biscuits c)bait d) basis
39-Everyone left but Ali........ for some time to have a word with me.
a) slept b) remained c)held d) ran
40-Rain hasn't stopped even for a moment. It has ....... to rain all day.
a) contained b) consisted c) continued d) canned
41-Now, people use modern fishing ........... to practise their hobby of catching fish.
a) rows b) lines c) links d) lies
42-Bones that form a human or animal's body are called the ........
a) skin b) skeleton c) skill d) skull
43-An ....... is someone who works for an employer to learn a skill or craft.
a)apostrophe b)apparatus c)appearance d)apprentice
44- "The Old Man and the Sea" is a fight between one man and ..........
a) nation b) nature c) scenery d) landscape
45-When two countries fight each other, they are at……
a) peace b) war c) love d) silence
46-The crew couldn't control the ship during the ... .
a) holiday b) vacation c) storm d) ball
47-The thief told the police......... detail how he broke into the house.
a) on b) at c) in d) with
48-What do you .......... tea or juice?
a) refer b) prefer c) interfere d) compare
49-My father was ……... great pain after the operation.
a) on b) at c) with d) in
50-According ......... the Press, our national team will be qualified to World Cup Finals.
a) for b) to c) by d) with
51-The old man ......... off in the early morning.
a) sat b)sit c) set d) seat
52-Novels, poetry and drama form the .... of a language.
a) learning b) literature c) nature d) headline
53-1 read the .......... of the newspaper before moving to the details.
a) heads b) titles c) headlines d) pictures
54- The man walked .......... to work.
a) slower b) slowest c) slow d) slowly
55- A/An ... protects us from the rain in the street.
a) caller b) sky c) umbrella d) ceiling
56- The school........... visited our classes last week.
a) conductor b) educator c) inspector d) instructor
57- The speaker thinks it is going to rain because the sky is really…..
a) sunny b) dark c) fine d) mild
58-These days, cars can use ... made from vegetables
a) drink b) food c) juice d) oil
59- Cars, buses and lorries cause air ............. .
a) delusion b) raids c) pollution d) illusion
60- I got stuck in a traffic .......... for 45 minutes on the way to work today.
a) jar b) jam c) jaw d) jail
61-If you sit in a traffic jam in Cairo, your lungs will fill with the| ......... from cars.
a) dirt b) rubbish c) exhaust d) light
62-A .... stores electricity for a car, radio or watch.
a) balloon b) bag c) briefcase d) battery
63-............ is a gas in the air that we need to live.
a) Hydrogen b ) Oxygen c) Carbon dioxide d) Methane
64-............ are parts of our body that fill with air when we breathe.
a) Stomach b) Kidneys c) Lungs d) Fingers
65-Air which is polluted by exhaust can ........ your health.
a) damage b) denounce c)deny d) deposit
66-Now, all cars .......... petrol more efficiently than in the past.
a) burn b)move c) exploit d)form
67-Scientists have ... engines which use natural gas.
a) drawn b) painted c) designed d) discovered
68-Many buses in Cairo and other cities use ....... gas.
a)general b)genuine c) natural d) artificial
69-In an electric car, when the battery is empty, the petrol engine takes ...........
a) after b)over c)part d) action
70-Scientists have also discovered that cars can run .......... vegetable oil.
a) across b)on c)away d)after
71-Some time in the future, there will be no oil in the world, so we need to find a/an ...... for petrol.
a)engagement b)replacement c)enjoyment d)entertainment
72-Engineers are now working ...... a new type of car battery.
a)out b) up to c)on d) against
73-We don't know who is to blame .......... pollution.
a)for b)on c)at d)out
74-Although we need industry, it leads .... pollution.
a)from b)at c)of d)to
75-To .......... the environment, people should only drive their cars on four days a week.
a) make b) damage c) protect d)keep
76- Three hundred people died .......... bird flu.
a) by b) about c)on d)of
77- Bird......... is a disease which both farm and wild birds may catch.
a) cold b) cough c)flu d) illness
78-……protects us from infections diseases.
a) Clean b) Cleanly c ) Cleaned d) Cleanliness
79- The ..... of bird flu in the world started in Asia
a) break in b) outbreak c) breakthrough d) break
80-Bird flu can ............ from an infected bird to another.
a) go b)pass c) leave d) move
81- ............ is personal cleanliness.
a) Sanitation b) Hygiene c) Laundry d)Soap
82-Sanitation is .............. cleanliness.
a) personal b) special c) private d) public
83-You must ........ food to protect it from flies.
a) uncover b) cover c) discover d) recover
84- A/An ............. performs in a film, serial or play.
a) patron b) actor c) novelist d) writer
85-An orchestra consists of a group of............. .
a) writers b) actors c) musicians d) singers
86-Unless the athlete ....... fast, he wouldn't have won the race.
a) ran b)runs c) had run d) has run
87-............. is me study or designing buildings.
a)Entertainment b)Archaeology c)Architecture d)Structure
88- Means of ............. in Egypt are not cheap.
a ) transfer b ) transport c)transplant d)translation
89- On cartoon programs, children get quite a lot of .........
a) population b)entertainment c) money d) homework
90-............ libraries everywhere are part of the "Reading for All" festival.
a) General b) Public c) Special d)Secret
91-The tourists would like to go .......... around the country.
a) looking b) viewing c) sightseeing d) staring
92-Although he .... his best, he achieved nothing.
a) tried b) dried c) cried d) fried
93-The Eiffel Tower is the most famous metal............. in the world.
a) statue b) structure c) culture d) sculpture
94-The Statue of Liberty .............. at the entrance of New York harbor.
a) walks b) waits c) stands d) looks

95-There are more ..in New York than any other city
a) clouds b) stars c) skyscrapers d) flies
96- Your battery is empty. It needs …….
a) recharging b) filling c) pushing d) shocking
97- Dr Zahi Hawass wants to ……… ancient statues and jewellery from other countries.
a) fetch b) bring c)lend d) borrow
98- Abu-Heif was one of the best Egyptian……..
a) doctors b) swimmers c) scientists d) teachers
99- She loves her work; so she takes great……… in it.
a)hate b) pride c) scorn d) price
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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
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