مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 countble & uncountable nouns 040....5670898

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

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مُساهمةموضوع: countble & uncountable nouns 040....5670898   countble & uncountable nouns 040....5670898 Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:24 pm

Countable nounsأسماء قابلة للجمع
A book Books A leaf Leaves
A pen Pens A shelf Shelves
A student Students A wolf Wolves
A child Children An egg Eggs
A foot Feet One apple Apples
A tooth Teeth One of the men Men
A crisis Crises Woman Women
An oasis Oases A tomato Tomatoes
A lot of/ lots of /many / too many/ several /a plenty of / a few /
only a few / any / some / only one / one of / no
I need one of these shirts.
I'd like one apple not two.
Children need education.
Uncountable nouns: أسماء غير قابلة للجمع
Luggage News Maths Soup Tea Oil Classics Homework
Baggage Physics Gyms Soap Coffee Bread Athletics Music
Furniture Electronics Measles Water Milk Meat Money Love
Jewellery Cheese Rice Advice Ink Chalk Information Housework
A lot of / Much / too much/ a little / little / any / some / no
A: How much bread do you want? B: Ten loaves.
A: How much money did he pay? B: fifty pounds.
He didn't give any information. Did you give him any information?
Could you give me some information, please?
A: How much meat do you need? B: Two kilos.
A: How much coffee do you need? B: Two cups.
Countable & uncountable with different meaning
A fire
A hair
A coffee
A time
An ice
A paper حريق
شعر غزير
شعرة واحده
مشروب القهوه
كوب من القهوة
آيس كريم
أعمال فنيه
جريده Iron
An iron
An orange
A chicken
A school
An experience
A light
A business
A glass of الحديد
اللون البرتقالي
لحم الدجاج
موقف / تجربه
كوب من

1. Would you like an orange? - Yes' please. Peel me one.
2. What is your favourite colour? - I like orange.
3. The Turkish like drinking coffee.
4. I need a coffee, please. I have a headache.
5. I've got a hair in my mouth during my supper.
6. When I entered into the barber shop, there's hair on the floor.
7. Farmers like raising chickens.
8. I neither like meat nor chicken. I'm vegetarian. نباتي
9. My five- year- old sister will start school in September.
الكمية و المسافة و الوزن و الزمن فعلهم مفرد
1. Fifty kilos of meat is enough for our party.
2. Two kilometres from the beach isn't a long distance.
3. Twenty kilograms is too much.
4. Ten pounds is my pocket money a week.
5. Five litres of petrol is enough for me to go to work.
6. Fifty degrees is a high temperature.
خلي بالك
1. The police are doing their best to arrest the criminal.
2. The team usually wins.
3. Athletics was my father's favourite sport.
4. Classics was a required subject long ago.
5. People are funny sometimes.
6. One of the players in the blue team is very tall.
7. How many seconds are there in an hour?
8. How many hours are there in a day? one day?
أسماء جمع
People Goodsالبضائع
Policeالشرطه Surroundings البيئه
Headquarters مركز Outskirtsالضواحى
Customs الجمارك
أسماء مفرد news
Classics الكلاسيكيات
Physics الفيزياء
Athletics ألعاب القوى
Electronics Gymnasticsالجمباز
Politics السياسة Maths الرياضيات
Economics الإقتصاد
أسماء من جزئين a pair of
Glassesنضارة Trousers / pants Scissorsمقص Shoesحذاء
My father's lost glasses were found in the garden.
My father's lost pair of glasses was found in the garden.
A piece of
A tube of toothpaste A bottle of milk
A packet of cigarettes A loaf of bread
A sheet of paper A cup of tea
A jar of jam A box of matches
A bag of flour A slice of meat
A kilo of sugar A piece of furniture
A lump of sugar An item of news
A spoonful of sugar A packet of biscuits
Find the mistake:
1. Today's news are great. ……………
2. The furniture were painted well. ……………
3. A: How many toothpaste do you want? B: Two tubes. ……………
4. How many bread do you buy? B: Ten loaves. ……………
5. How much paper do you use? B: Too much sheets. ……………
6. His advice were wonderful. ……………
7. Three boy left the class when the teacher entered. ……………
8. I had not information about this young woman. ……………
9. He found hair in the soup. ……………
10. There was furniture factory in our city. ……………
11. An orange is a colour. ……………
12. A coffee is a drink. ……………
12. How much cups of coffee do you drink a day? B: Two cups . ……………
13. He had new business in our city. ……………
14. Measles are a dangerous disease. ……………
15. One of the players in the red team are very tall. ……………
16. Would you like cup of tea? ……………
17. How many people is there in your town? ……………
18. The police needs information about the criminal. ……………
19. Are there a biscuits left in the cupboard? ……………
20. Is there some oil left in the pan? ……………
21. Do we have a rice left? ……………
22. How many money do you need for the holiday? ……………
23. Fifty degrees are a very high temperature. ……………
24. Athletics are my favourite sport. ……………
25. The team usually play very well. ……………
26. Not many students are there in the class, just a little. ……………
27. Not much meat is eaten nowadays, just a few. ……………
28. I bought a shit of paper to write a letter. ……………
29. He bought a gear of jam. ……………
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- I have a……...……money. Just enough to buy what I want.
a) little b) few c) much d) some
2- I haven't got…...........….information about the accident.
a) some b) a lot c) much d) many
3- Would you like…....……..apple?
a) some b) an c) a few d) a piece
4- How…….....…money did you spend? -20 pounds.
a) much b) many c) a lot d) a lot of
5- Too…………..people passed the driving test because it was too difficult.
a) much b) many c) little d) few
6- Mona doesn't have…...………blouses.
a. much b) many c) some d) no
7- I'd like…......….bread, please.
a) a few b) a c) some d) many
8- Only .….student got the full mark in the English exam.
a) one b) few c) no d) some
9- How……....…..cities lie on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea?
a) many b) much c) big d) far
10- A…….......women attended the meeting.
a) many b) some c) few d) little
11- How…......…..tea did you drink? - Two cups.
a) many b) much c) a lot d) a lot of
12- The news…......…….exciting.
a) are b) is c) were d) has
13- This jewellery……....….to my mother.
a) belong b) belongs c) are belonging d) were belonging
14- Five….........…..of bread, please.
a) leaves b) bars c) loaves d) sheets
15- There isn't…….....…..petrol in the tank of the car.
a) much b) little c) many d) few
16- Very……......….tourists visit this place because it is off the beaten track.
a) many b) much c) few d) little
17- Only…….....athletes were stripped of their medals for taking drugs.
a) little b) one c) few d) any
18- They played well, but they scored…......…….goals.
a) no b) one c) not d) any
19- The students who did the homework were….......…….. .
a) lot b) much c) few d) little
20- There are not…….....…..oranges to have one each.
a) a lot b) some c) much d) many
21- The children have drunk most of the juice. There is very…....……..in the jug.
a) many b) much c) little d) few
22- Please give me a pen and a……..........of paper.
a) bar b) loaf c) sheet d) tube
23- Two loaves of bread…........….enough for me.
a) is b) are c) was d) has been
24- You still need…..........…..training to get ready for the race.
a) a few b) extra c) a lot d) many
25- Most school subjects are not difficult, but Physics……….....…. .
a. are b) is c) were d) have been
26- There is always a…...........…..to do when you think you are free.
a) lot b)few c) many d) much
27- I want a……..……meat and a lot of bread.
a) few b) some c) piece of d) much
28- Where….......…….your baggage, sir?
a) are b) is c) were d) have
29- Most of your answers were wrong. Only…….........were correct.
a. many b) few c) much d) one
30- A ………..tourists visit this country.
a) many b) lots c) few d) much
31- When you are in trouble the police …………...ready to help you.
a) are b) is c) was d) has been
32-Ten kilometers ……….….a long way to run.
a) has b) is c) are d) have
33- Would you like …………..cup of tea?
a) a b) an c) some d) any
34- One of the players in the blue team …………..…very tall.
a) has b) is c) are d) have
35- Would you like ………….orange?
a) a b) an c) some d) ………..
36- Would you like ………….orange juice?
a) a b) an c) some d) the
37- I don't like …………..orange. I prefer red.
a) a b) an c) some d) ………..
38- Would you like ………….coffee or a tea?
a) a b) an c) some d) ………..
39- Unlike lemon juice ……………coffee can stop you sleeping.
a) a b) an c) any d) no word
40- I've got ……………hair in my mouth.
a) a b) an c) any d) no word
41-There's ……………hair on the floor.
a) son b) an c) any d) no word
42- Do you like …….………chicken or fish?
a) a b) an c) any d) no word
43- Ten minutes ...................enough to put on your clothes.
a) is b) are c) has d) have
44- Athletics.....................a good form of exercise.
a) is b) are c) has d) have
45- This pair of shoes ………….expensive.
a) are b) is c) have been d) were
46- My shoes …………….…….always clean.
a) are b) is c) have been d) was
47. How many……….…did you visit our country?
a. time b. timing c. times d. timed
48. He man went to the news agent to buy…….……… .
a. a paper b. paper c. a packet of paper d. a sheet of paper
49. There………too much traffic on the road today.
a. are b. is c. have d. have been
50. Politics……….….an interesting subject for us.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
51 Clothes made of silk…….....…rather expensive.
a. is b. was c. are d. has been
52You needn't worry, there is….……….of time.
a. a little b. a few c. some d. plenty
53 Hany earns……………money. He is not in need of your help.
a. little b. many c. a few d. much
54 Gymnastics……….…...necessary to build our bodies and strengthens our muscles.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
55.There are………..…..things you can do to help us.
a. several b. little c. much d. any
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