مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 للأوائل فقط علي الوحدة الثانية / رضا الهمشري 5670898

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

للأوائل فقط علي الوحدة الثانية / رضا الهمشري 5670898 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: للأوائل فقط علي الوحدة الثانية / رضا الهمشري 5670898   للأوائل فقط علي الوحدة الثانية / رضا الهمشري 5670898 Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 9:53 am

Unit (2) lesson (1)
1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Charles Dickens wrote great……….……..like, Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities.
a. plays b. novles c. reports d. poems
2- Thieves must go to………..……. .
a. the cinema b. prison c. the restaurant d. school
3- People who borrow a lot of money get into……..……… .
a. pain b. mess c. debt d. space
4- A……………....writes for a newspaper.
a. scientist b. journalist c. teacher d. doctor
5- Naguib Mahfouz wrote novels to describe life in 20th ……………….in Egypt.
a. decade b. time c. century d. age
6- TV presenters……….…….sports stars in most favourite TV programmes.
a. test b. interview c. examine d. check

7- Oliver is the main…….………..in Dickens' story ''Oliver Twist''.
a. actor b. actress c. character d. student
8- If you spend too much money, you will be…….……..debt.
a. on b. at c. over d. in
9- A father should………………..enough money for his family.
a. win b. earn c. reward d. rob
10- My uncle works………….….a professor at Oxford University.
a. like b. such as c. as d. the same
11- Charles Dickens had a very…..……….childhood.
a. easy b. happy c. pleasant d. hard
12- He is best……………..for his funny jokes.
a. know b. knew c. known d. knowing
13- We live in a nice house……………….the edge of the forest.
a. in b. at c. on d. by
13- Wise people should learn the……………of the stories they read.
a. morals b. minerals c. mirrors d. mayors
14- A: Who………….…..…your money? B: I don't know.
a. robbed b. stole c. borrowed d. lent
15- If you are…………..trouble, call the police at once.
a. on b. in c. at d. with
16- The…………..can get married.
a. babies b. children c. adults d. dead
17- We saw an exciting……………in the theatre.
a. play b. film c. movie d. novel
18- I must be……………for my work so that I can support my family.
a. earned b. paid c. believed d. won
18- Dickens wrote magazine………….. .
a. plays b. stories c. novles d. poems
20- We have no……………in death.
a. choose b. chosen c. chooses d. choice
21- He needs to find work to………….money for his family.
a. borrow b. earn c. lend d. cost
22- If you………….too much money, you will be in debt.
a. borrow b. lend c. own d. earn
23- I'm sorry I am in debt. I ………….a lot of money to the bank.
a. owe b. borrow c. earn d. lend
23- It was hard for Dickens to work in a factory for ten hours……………day.
a. very b. a c. by d. in
2- Read then write the word which best fits each space:
A) Dickens is the most famous writer in the English language. He is known for his novels about life in the 19th….(1)….Britain. His father went to prison because he had got into…..(2)…. . Charles went to London to earn his…..(3)….He saw how hard….(4)….was for poor people. In Oliver Twist, he describes the lives of child….(5)….and life in the….(6)….where he grew up.
B) It's important to have enough money. …..(1)….money you can't buy your need. If you have no money, you will have to…..(2)…from others. You are not happy when you….(3)….money to someone.
It is not a good thing to be…..(4)…debt. People are sometimes…..(5)….to prison because of money.
So my advice is: work as hard as you can, to…..(6)…the money needed for a living.
3-Translate into Arabic:
1- I don't want to be in debt, so I'll have to earn some money.
2- A journalist writes stories in a newspaper.
3- Large numbers of people came to cities work because they had lost their jobs in the country.
4- In the 19th century, in England, there were not enough houses or flats for everybody, so many families
shared rooms in crowded buildings.
5- In the world, there are about 400 million child workers who work for many hours in jobs which are badly paid and often dangerous.
6- Money was, still is, and will ever remain the root of all evil.
7- He is in trouble because he is in debt.
Lesson (2)
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Dickens father went to prison because he..…………..into debt.
a. gets b. had got c. getting d. has got
2- After Dickens had left factory, he……….….…to work as an office clerk.
a. go b. had gone c. going d. went
3- Before………..……..the film, mum had made a cake.
a. watched b. had watched c. watches d. watching
4- …………….the party, I drove her home.
a. After b. By the time c. As soon as d. No sooner
5- ……………..the car before driving it yesterday?
a. Do you check b. Had you checked c. Have you checked d. Will you check
6- Wile …….…….…, the phone rang.
a. sleeps b. slept c. was sleeping d. sleeping
7- During………...., I fell asleep.
a. the film b. watching the film c. watched the film d. was watching the film
8- I was having a bath……….…….you phoned.
a. as b. while c. just as d. when
9- I took the book back to the library after I ……………..it.
a. had read b. have read c. would read d. was reading
10- As soon as the students…………….the experiment, they wrote a report on it.
a. doing b. had done c. were doing d. were done
11- He didn't buy the car until he……………enough money.
a. has saved b. had saved c. was saving d. was saved
12- There were no lights on when I came in. Everybody……..……to bed.
a. goes b. was c. gone d. had gone
13- When I switched on the TV, I realized that the film……………….started.
a. was b. has c. had already d. has already
14- I was not hungry because I …………….a lot of fruit.
a. eat b. have eaten c. have been eating d. had eaten
15- I didn't find the pen I ……….…….. .
a. lose b. had lost c. was lost d. had been lost
16- He was arrested while he…….……..…to escape.
a. try b. tried c. trying d. was trying
17- When I saw Nadia, she……………..tennis.
a. plays b. is playing c. played d. was playing
18- ……………..she watching TV when you came?
a. Is b. Does c. Was d. Did
19- I said, ''Good morning'', but you didn't hear me because you………….to the radio.
a. listened b. will listen c. have listened d. were listening
20- When you……………., I was sleeping.
a. phoned b. are phoned c. was phoning d. phone
21- Tamer was riding on a horse when he………………and broke his arm.
a. falls off b. was falling c. fell off d. is falling off
22- Alaa…………….home after he finished his work.
a. returns b. has returned c. had returned d. returned
23- She had revised her lessons well…………….she went to the exam.
a. before b. after c. because d. as soon as
2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He was watching television when his uncle came. (While)
2- He had an accident as he was crossing the street. (When)
3- During his sleep, money was stolen. (While)
4- When I was young, I played tennis. (used to)
5- He was playing football and he fell down suddenly. (As)
6- While I was having lunch, someone knocked on the front door. (During)
7- After he had finished his work, he went for a walk. (finishing)
8- By the time I arrived at the cinema, the film had started. (After)
9- They went out after it had stopped raining. (They didn't)
10- First he read the book, and then he wrote a letter. (As soon as)
11- Ali ate his lunch and went out. (By the time)
12- After he had finished his studies, he applied for the job. (Having)
13- Ahmed was cycling to school when he fell off his bike. (While)
14- We did experiment in the lab and went back to the classroom. (after)
15- Noha arrived in London and immediately phoned us. (as soon as)
16- She had a big breakfast and left for school. (before)
Lesson (3)
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Oliver Twist grew up in a……………..…… .
a. workshop b. garage c. factory d. workhouse
2- Because the man and his wife didn't have children, they………..…..a child from an orphanage.
a. adopted b. adapted c. admired d. adored
3- A……………of thieves broke into the bank and stole a lot of money.
a. company b. crowd c. gang d. team
4- The gang……….……..the child and kept him as a hostage.
a. found b. held c. helped d. kidnapped
5- Jana is my…….……. . She is my brother's daughter.
a. nephew b. niece c. aunt d. mum
6- I usually keep my money in the……………of my jacket.
a. box b. boot c. pocket d. packet
7- Those who break the law must be…………… .
a. rewarded b. punished c. pumped d. promised
8- The police……………the thief and killed him.
a. shouted b. shut c. shot d. shared
9- Finally, the police were able to…………..a dangerous killer.
a. arrest b. invite c. receive d. introduce
10- The writer wrote a/an…………….of his own life.
a. e-mail b. paragraph c. autobiography d. biography
11- The film was……….……..on a real story.
a. set b. based c. built d. set up
12- ………….…are children who work for hours in dangerous jobs which are badly paid.
a. Childcare b. Childbirth c. Childhood d. Child workers
13- As life was hard for Oliver in the workhouse, he ran……………to London.
a. down b. into c. out d. away
14- I was happy to……………my friend to my family.
a. give b. invite c. introduce d. present
15- My family lives……………..in the country.
a. happy b. happiness c. happily d. unhappy
16- Amir's father married two women, so Amir has some………….brothers and sisters.
a. half b. quarter c. third d. unreal
17- I want to be a journalist when I grow…………… .
a. up b. on c. out d. into
18- The criminals………….…..the child and kept him until his parents gave them a ransom.
a. caught b. hunted c. kidnapped d. hijacked
19- Life for Oliver was hard in the workhouse,……………..this reason he ran away.
a. by b. for c. so d. because
20- Our parents do a lot for us……………being paid or rewarded.
a. although b. because c. without d. when
21- She has only one child. She never…………….him for doing anything wrong.
a. talks b. advises c. learns d. punishes
22- Fagin taught Oliver to be a thief and……….…..him with food and a place to live.
a. robbed b. stole c. provided d. took
23- Someone………….…him. He was badly injured, but he didn't die.
a. died b. killed c. robbed d. shot
24- When the police arrived, the thieves…………..….away.
a. ran b. arrested c. took d. robbed
25- My father……………..me how to drive a car.
a. knew b. taught c. advised d. learned
26- Ahmed's mother……………...after him when he was ill.
a. cared b. interested c. looked d. tired
27- This is our house, but that large one belongs…………….my uncle.
a. to b. with c. for d. of
28- I have got one………..………brother. He is called Emad.
a. half b. half past one c. quarter d. quarter past one
29- My mother is always busy. She ……..………..a lot of jobs at home.
a. makes b. works c. does d. carries
30- He is in trouble. This means he………..…….. .
a. causes trouble b. is troublesome c. is a troublemaker d. has problems
31- A…………..is a place where very poor were sent to live and work.
a. workshop b. factory c. workhouse d. prison

2- Read then write the word which best fits each space:
A) Oliver Twist left the workhouse and went London. Oliver went to live in Fagin's…(1)…. . Fagin's…..(2)… tried to rob Mr Brownlow. Mr Brownlow caught them but was…..(3)….and stopped the….(4)… from arresting Oliver. Instead, he took him back to his house and looked after him. Mr Brownlow made Oliver part of his….(5)…. . Oliver lived happily with Mr Brownlow until one of the ….(6)…kidnapped him.

B) Oliver Twist grew up in a workhouse. His mother died when he was born. Life for the young boy was……(1)…..there. When he asked for more…..(2)….because he was…..(3)….he was punished. So, Oliver ran away to London where he met a……(4)….called Jack Dawkins who was in a…….(5)…of thieves. Fagin had taught the gang how to be…..(6)….and Oliver went to live with them.

3-Answer the following questions:
1- What kind of childhood did Oliver have?
2- What is a workhouse?
3- What is Mr Brownlow like? Why?
4- Why did Monks want to get Oliver into trouble?
5- Why did Mrs Maylie and Rose invite Oliver to live with them?
6- How was Mr Brownlow rewarded in the end?
7- How were bad people punished?
8- What should we do to orphans?
9- How should the government in Egypt help homeless children?
4- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Someone asks you which story you like best.
2- You ask your friend about the main character in ''Oliver Twist.''
3- Your sister wants to know the moral of ''Oliver Twist.''
4- Your teacher has explained something which you haven't understood.
5-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- This bicycle is Ahmed's. (belongs)
2- The police arrested the gang. (by)
3- He is no longer a child. (grow)
6-Translate into English:
1- معظم الأطفال فى العالم عليهم القيام ببعض الأعمال المنزلية كل يوم.

2- عادة ما يساعد الأطفال والديهم فى منازلهم.
3- أيهما تفضل, أن تقرأ قصة أم تشاهد فيلما فى التليفزيون.
4- أحب قرأة القصص , فكل قصة أقرأها أتعلم منها درسا مفيدا.
5- يجب على المجتمع أن يرعى أطفال الشوارع.
7-Translate into Arabic:
1- Homeless children have the right to lead a decent life.

1- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1. You have just read an interesting novel.
2. You got in the city and want to get to Metro Station.
3. Someone asks you what makes someone good at writing novels. You answer.
4. You advise your brother not to waste his time.
2- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- You'll be in debt if you……………money.
a. borrow b. like c. have d. make
2- A large number of people came to the cities for work because they…………….their jobs.
a. lost b. losing c. had lost d. would lost
3- What…………..when they visited you yesterday?
a. you did b. did you do c. are you doing d. were you doing
4- Someone who writes for a newspaper is called a……………. .
a. teacher b. novelist c. journalist d. biologist
5- The orphans live in a……………….. .
a. tower b. garage c. workshop d. workhouse
6- Oliver was…………..….by Bill Sikes.
a. found b. kidnapped c. arrested d. set free
7- An old man taught the………………how to be thieves.
a. gang b. crew c. band d. team
8- Just as I …………..….to call Mr Fawzy, he was trying to call me.
a. trying b. was trying c. tried d. had tried
9- Charles' father…………….to prison because he had got into debt.
a. go b. went c. had gone d. going
10- A: What nationality was Dickens? B: ..................... .
a. Arabic b. Russian c. French d. British
3-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- I'd finished my work before I went home. (after)
2- I studied before I went out. (until)
3- Is it a fact that the Romans built this building? (Did)
4- They boys were in the middle of a football game when the bell rang. (playing)
4- Read and following passage and then answer the questions:
Mr Ali Rafael left his car outside his flat one night as usual. When he came down the next morning to go to his school, he discovered that the car wasn't there. He went to the police and told them what had happened and they said that they would try to find the car. When Mr Ali came home from his school that evening the car was back again in its usual place in front of his house. He examined it carefully to see if it had been damaged. He found two theatre tickets on one of the seats and a letter which said ''We're very sorry. We took your car to carry a sick man to a hospital''.
Mr Ali realized that the robbers planned to rob his flat while he was watching the play with his wife. He pretended that he accepted their invitation. He phoned the police and told them about the robbers' plans. When the robbers came to rob the flat, they found the police waiting for them.
A) -Answer the following questions:
1. How did Mr Ali trick the robbers?
2. When did Mr Ali discover the disappearance of his car?
3. What does the underlined word ''We'' refer to?
4. Give a suitable title to the passage.
B) - Choose the correct answer:
5. Mr Ali used to leave his car…………………… .
a) in a garage not far from his flat b) in a garage far from his flat
c) in front of the house where he lived d) near his school
5. When Mr Ali discovered that the car was stolen, he…………………….. .
a) called at the police b) called his friend c) cried loudly d) did nothing
7. Mr Ali found………………… .
a) one ticket and two letters b) one letter and two tickets
c) two tickets and two letters d) nothing at all
5-Answer the following questions:
1- Do you think Fagin is a good or bad person? Give a reason.
2- How do you think Oliver felt when he his covered that Monks was his half brother? Give a reason.
6-Translate into Arabic:
1- The bad people should be punished and the good people live in a happy life.
2- Society should look after children especially who live in workhouse.
7-Translate into English:
1- متى تنتهى مشاكل أولاد الشوارع؟
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