مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 مراجة هامة في نهاية الترم الأول و توقعات هامة / رضا الهمشري 0106182939

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

مراجة هامة في نهاية الترم الأول و توقعات هامة / رضا الهمشري 0106182939 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مراجة هامة في نهاية الترم الأول و توقعات هامة / رضا الهمشري 0106182939   مراجة هامة في نهاية الترم الأول و توقعات هامة / رضا الهمشري 0106182939 Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 10:02 am

السؤال الأول 1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Doctor: ………………(1)………….……………..? Patient: I'm not well; my back is aching, besides sweating. Doctor: What about your appetite? Patient: ………………(2)…………. Am I seriously ill, doctor? Doctor: Have no fear, I will ……………(3)…… . Your case will be clear. Patient: I fear injection, doctor. Do you think …………(4)……..? Doctor: I can't tell you. Every thing will be decided after examination. 2. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Noha is at the police station reports the theft of her handbag. Officer: Can I help you, Miss? Noha: Yes, please. A thief stole my handbag while I was on the bus. Officer :...................(1)………………….? Noha: He was tall and slim with a moustache. Officer: Well…………….(2)…………..? Noha: He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Officer: …………………..(3)…………..? Noha: His hair is black and long. Officer: …………………...(4)………….? Noha: No, he wasn't wearing glasses. 3. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Mona: I haven't seen you for a long time. …………….(1)………? Salwa: I was in Alexandria. Mona: ……………..(2)………….? Salwa: I went to visit my uncle. Mona: What was the weather like there? Salwa: ………………(3)……………. . Mona: Did you enjoy your stay? Salwa: ……………….(4)……………. . 4. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue: Ayman: …………..(1)……………………….? Osama: Yes, I was. Ayman: What countries did you visit? Osama: …………..(2)…………………… . Ayman: Why did you choose England? Osama: …………..(3)…………………… . Ayman: ………….(4)……………………...? Osama: I stayed there for three months. 5. You and your friend who is going to the school library. Friend :…………….(1)……………………? You: The library? It is on the second floor. Friend: How many times do you go to the library? You: ………………(2)…………………….. Friend: Are you fond of reading? You: ………………..(3)………………… . Friend: What kind of books do you like to read? You: ………………..(4)…………………. . 6. Samir wants to book a room. Receptionist: Can I help you? Samir: ……………(1)……………. . Receptionist: ………..(2)…………..? Samir: Four nights. Receptionist: ………..(3)…………….? Samir: Single, please. …………….(4)………? Receptionist: That is 150 $ per night. 7. Mike Champion is on TV: Interviewer: ……………….(1)…………….? Mike: I was born in Texas. Interviewer :………………(2)……………..? Mike: I live in New York now. Interviewer: ……………..(3)……………..? Mike: I earn my money from my memory. Interviewer: How many people usually come to your shows? Mike: …………………….(4)…………… . السؤال الثانى 1. Write what you would say in each of the following situations: a) You want to borrow your friend's cassette recorder. b) You advise your younger brother to study hard. c) You suggest buying a new computer. d) You visit your friend on his birthday party. 2. Write what you would say in each of the following situations: a) Your friend thanks you for your help. b) You introduce you friend Seif to your father. c) You don't know the meaning of a word in English. d) You say politely that the book is boring. 3. Write what you would say in each of the following situations: a) Somebody is speaking too quickly. b) Someone says, "We haven't got any salt." c) Someone says, "Sorry for coming late." d) You want to use your friend's pen. 4.Write what you would say in each of the following situations: 1. You advise your brother not to write anything on the walls. 2. You want to borrow your cousin's camera. 3. Your friend says, "I suffer from a severe headache." 4. You thank your friend for his hospitality. 5. Write what you would say in each of the following situations: 1. An invitation to go with a friend to the theatre. 2. Blaming a friend who didn't come to your birthday party. 3. Someone trod on your toe. 4. Your brother is traveling abroad. 5. It is very cold. A friend asks you to close the window. 6. Zeinab is in the kitchen. There is black smoke coming from the kitchen. 7. Your friend s very fat. 8. You politely interrupt someone to say something. 9. You accept your friend's apology for losing your book. 10. You tell your friend you intend to spend the mid- year holiday in Aswan. 11. You think that your friend is dishonest. Say it politely. 12. You ask your brother to post a letter for you. 13. You can't hear what your teacher is saying. 14. You meet someone for the first time. 15. You want your friend to lend his book. 16. You forgive your brother who took your camera and broke it. 17. You broke your mother's favourite vase. 18. Someone says, "Do you mind opening the door?" you liked the idea. 19. You predict rains tomorrow. 20. You ask your teacher to repeat the answer. 21. You visit a friend in hospital. 22. You invite your friend to your sister's wedding. 23. You can't go to your friend's wedding ceremony. 24. A tourist asks you the way to the Pyramids. 25. You want to know the way to the hospital. 26. You want to ask about the price of a lap top. 27. You request your teacher to raise his voice. 28. You meet your friend on 1st January. 29. Your friend succeeded in the English test. 30. You ask your friend about his opinion about the new film,(Dokan Shehata.) السؤال الثالث 3. Choose the correct word: 1. He was a …………….… . He supported our theatre company. a. actor b. patron c. actress d. manager 2. The answer is ……..…….. . No one can miss it. a. obvious b. incorrect c. vague d. difficult 3. Italy ……….…… France in the world Cup final. a. won b. gained c. earned d. beat 4. The ………….…. lives in a palace. a. beggar b. student c emperor d. thief 5. He enjoyed ………………. the film a. to watch b. watching c. to watching d. watched 6. Let's ………………… this quiz about Dr El Baz. a. make b. do c. carry d. perform 7. The …………….….. of the school is a very successful woman. a. headmaster b. nurse c. headmistress d. bride 8. He was very tired. He was completely…………..…….. . a. exhausted b. happy c. excited d. sad. 9. Karm could break the ………….…… and won the gold medal in weight lifting. a. song b. guitar c. glass d. record 10. We breathe air through our noses or mouths to our ………………. . a. hearts b. lungs c. brains d. stomachs 11. He is a famous actor in the National………………….…… a. School b. Theatre c. Film d. Gallery 12. He …………….through the streets with no aims. a. wondered b. wandered c walking d. looking 13. …………………..are very tall buildings. a. Skyscrapers b. Highways c. palaces d. Roofs 14. The statue of liberty is a ………….…… of freedom. a. sign b. sense c. symbol d. signal 15. The doctor advised him to stop………………….. . a. to smoke b. to smoking c. smoked d. smoking 16.I always……………………. My friend in chess. a) win b) beat c)lose d)earn 17. Oliver Twist grew up in a ……………… . a) palace b) cottage c)workhouse d)villa 18. The police………… the criminal and killed him. a)shot b)looked c)shook d) shut 19. Abu- Heif was able to cross the English…………. . a) Sea b) Ocean c) Canal d) Channel 20. ………….. you run, you will miss the train. a) If b) Provided c) In case d) Unless 21. If you ………….. me, I would have come. a) invited b) invites c) had invited d) has invited 22. Remote…………enables us to see what is under the ground. a) control b) serving c)ending d)sensing 23. He heard a ………… on the door and went to open it. a) look b) book c) shock d) knock 24. I ………. You twenty five pounds. I will repay you next week. a) owe b) lent c) borrowed d) stole 25. I haven't seen her ………… two years. a) for b) at c) since d) in 26. If you did your best, you …………… improve your English. a) will b) would c) would have d) was 27. A / An …………….is someone who travels to space in a space cruiser. a) astronaut b) astronomer c) astrologer d) futurologist 28. A /An …………….. is someone who studies rocks. a) archaeologist b) geologist c)biologist d)psychologist 29. While………….., she cut her fingers. a) was cooking b) cooking c) cooks d) cooked 30. Thieves should go to ………………. . a) schools b) hospitals c) prisons d) ministry 31. Paris is the …………….. of France. a) capitals b) capital c) city d) harbour 32.The Eiffel Tower is made of ………………. . a) plastic b) copper c) silver d) iron 33. We need to find a …………….. for oil. a) clock b) gauge c) stock d) replacement 34. I expect Al Ahli ……………. The next match. a) won b) will win c) has won d) winning 35. Can you ………….. her age. She never tells us about it. a) play b) guess c) receive d)send 36. I have ……….. met an actress. a) ever b) yet c) never d) so far 37. Before she slept, she …………… the film. a) watches b) had watched c) watching d) watch 38. Who ………. The goals for Egypt in the last match? a)won b) scored c) sores d) scoring 39. A professional ………… helped Abu- Heif to become a famous swimmer. a) teacher b) trainer c) doctor d) killer 40. I can't do any work today as I'm ……………. . a) happy b) sad c) exhausted d) excited 41. This is the ……………… expensive car I have ever bought. a) most b) more c) much d) fewest 42. A …………. is someone who writes for magazines. a) teacher b) actress c) civil engineer d) journalist 43. Mr and Mrs Treka are a …………….. and wife. a) son b) daughter c) sister d) husband 44. Father promised ………… me a camera. a) buying b) to buy c) to buying d) bought 45. I'm afraid …………….. spiders. a) of b) off c) over d) from 46. You should ………….. hard. a) study b) to study c) studying d) studied. 47. ……………… is very important in hospitals. a) Cleanliness b) Clean c) Clearance d) Clear 48. If you eat a lot, you will …………… weight. a) put on b) put up c) put down d) put away 49. Children ……………. infection easily. a) carry b) catch c) cook d) come 50. Nageeb Mahfouz wrote a lot of …………… . a) magazines b)matches c) novels d) films stars. السؤال الرابع 4. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets 1. The plane crashed because of the bad weather. (If) 2. People play football everywhere.. (is) 3. Tourists visit Egypt to see the priceless treasures. (so that) 4. The mechanic repaired my car. (I …..) 5. How did the thief get into the bank? (wonder ) 6. You aren't allowed to leave school without permission. (mustn't) 7. He studied his lesson first, then he answered the questions. (After) 8. She was careless and so she made an accident. (Unless) 9. I'd like to close the window. (Would you mind) 10. Money is used to buy things. (used for) 11. Can you help me? (mind) 12. He is listening to the news. (every day) 13. I finished my letter and took it to the post. (After) 14. We have to take this man to hospital as quickly as possible. (This man) 15. As soon as my parents had left for Alex, my uncle telephoned. (Before) 16. You couldn't avoid the accident because you were careless. (If..) 17. Could you help me with my homework, please? (mind) 18. I wish I sold the car. (regret) 19. The girl with the blue eyes is my sister. (who) 20. Maria couldn't go out because it was raining. (If) 21. She crashed into the wall because she was trying not to hit a dog. (avoid) 22. I went to Aswan and came back. (been) 23. He went to Athens and he is still there. (gone) 24. Squash isn't as popular as football. (more) 25. She is a bad cook. (cooks) 26. Soma has just bought a car. (ago) 27. It is still raining. (yet) 28. The teacher is still correcting our papers. (yet) 29. A plane is faster than a train. (fast) 30. I have arranged to meet my girl friend tomorrow. (meeting) الطريقة الآخرى Correct the underlined mistakes: 1.Rowida have just finished her first year. Her brother Mohamed was doing research now. He is the older of the family. Her sisters Nour and Mena is in the faculty of engineering. 2. You has something that is more complex as the most powerful computer in the world. With it, you can saw and smell flowers, remember holidays, feel pains, hear your favourite singer's sound and think. It is in your head and weighs a kilo of cells(neurons). 3. After Shakespeare, he is probably the more famous writer in the English language. He is best known to his novels about life. He was borne in 1812 into a good family in the south of England. When he was still young, his father went to prison because he had got into debt. Charles went to London to win money for the family. At the age of 12, he was working for ten hours a day in a factory. 4. Ramy Ashour was born in Cairo on September 1987. At the age of 16, he became the younger player to win the men's world junior squash championship. In 2006, he wins the championship again. In the Hong Kong 2006 championship, he was second; he lost to another friend in the team, Amr Shabana. Ramy's older brother Hisham is a expert squash player. السؤال الخامس 1. Write one word in each gap: An owner of a car faces many troubles. Though the car is…….(1)…..for us, it sometimes makes us ……(2)……our temper. We may ……(3)……to stop for a long time because of the traffic……(4)….especially in the rush …..(5)…….... The greatest problem is when it breaks……(6)…..while you are driving. 2. Write one word in each gap: People depend completely …(1)…..computers. They can help doctors in ….(2)…. and teachers in schools. Work …(3)…..controlled by computers. In the future, computers ……(4)..…play greater role in our progress. People ……(5)…...that the computer is one of the most important ……(6)……. in the 20th century. 3. New York is the ……(1)…… city in the USA, but it isn't the ……(2)…… of the country. That is Washington. New York is one of the world's business centers and a busy ……(3)…... The statue of …..(4)……which is at the entrance of the …..(5)….. is a symbol of …..(6)…….. and welcomes visitors from other countries. السؤال السابع Answer four of the following six questions: 1. What is remote sensing? 2. What did Lear want to know? 3. How do you think Goneril and Regan deceive their father? 4. Why did Ramy Ashour become a champion? 5. What should you do before eating? 6. What do you think we will do to get rid of pollution? …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. If you live in a polluted area. Does pollution matter? Give reasons. 8. What do you think will happen when there is no oil? 9. How can we protect food from flies? 10. When should we wash more? 11. Why should we wash before a meal? 12. Why should we wash more in summer? 13.Why does Tokyo has some of the worst pollution in the world? 14. Why did putting signs on cars in Mexico make the problem of pollution worse? 15. New York is more famous than Washington. Give reasons. 16. In your opinion, how can we keep our streets clean? 17. The world will be in a great trouble when there is no oil. Are you for or against? Why? 18. Why do you think some people choose dangerous jobs? 19. Where did Oliver grow up? Why? 20. What was the relation between Rose and Oliver? Monks and Oliver? 21. How was Mr Brownlow rewarded in the end? 22. Good things come to those who wait. Explain from Oliver Twist. 23. Can scientist like El Baz change our life? How? 24. How can a person be a champion? 25. Dickens was a mirror to his age. Illustrate from Oliver Twist. 26. What do you think a good friend is? 27. What did Abu-Heif win at the age of ten? 28. How can make use of great heroes like Abu-Heif in our life? 29. How can we remember great heroes like Abu-Heif? 30. What is the difference between hygiene and sanitation? 31. What is the effect of traffic jam on our health? 32. Do you want to live in a town or a farm? Why? 33. The old man and the sea is a fight against nature. Who wins? 34. How do you think we can keep the environment clean? 35. How do you think we can make our schools attractive? 36. How do you think we can make teacher respect us? 37. How do you think we can make people hygienic? 38. When did people welcome Abu-Heif as a national hero? 39. How did sharks disappoint Santiago? 40 Why did Manolin's parents want him to leave Santiago? 41. How do you think we should look after street children? 42. Do you think King Lear was a wise man? Comment. 43. What did El Baz advise astronauts to do? 44. Where did Oliver escape? 45. Where does your brain receive information from? 46. What are five senses? السؤال الثامن 1. Write a paragraph of seven sentences on: "The importance of school library" 2. Write a paragraph of about seven sentences on: "A person you admire most" 3. Write a paragraph of about seven sentences on: "The importance of computers in our schools today" 4. The job you would like to do in the future. 5. A place you visited and will never forget. 6. The advantages and disadvantages of air travel. 7. Reading enriches our knowledge. 8. Civilization flourishes more in time of peace. 9. Means of transport in the future. 10. How can we find solutions to pollution? 11. Cairo is a city I don't to live in. 12. How to make our schools attractive. 13. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 14. The effects of pollution. 15. Write a letter to your American pen friend Sam to invite him to visit Egypt during the mid- year holiday. Tell him about the programme you prepared for him. Tell him about the clothes he can wear and the friends he can meet. Your name is Samy and you live at 33, Horia Street, Giza. 16. Write an e-mail to your friend Reda to invite him to your sister's wedding. Ask her to bring the video camera. He can meet your friends. Your name is Nermeen and your e-mail address is [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]. Your friend's e-mail address is [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]. Translate: 1. Nowadays our hospitals have many sick children. They suffer from dangerous illnesses. Every good citizen should give a hand to those children. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. It is important to take care of your health. ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Exhaust fumes are harmful gases which are produced by old cars. Air which is polluted by these gases damages our lungs. These gases can also cause brain damage in children……………………………………………………………………………………. 4. The high cost of living is one of the most difficult problems. The rise in prices is due to inflation. To bring the prices down, both the government be encouraged, the production should be increased and the consumption should be cut down. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Pollution has become one of the most dangerous problems that threaten our life. Air gets polluted by the smoke of factories and car fumes. We have to do our best to stop that danger by all means. ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. Thanks to science, people now lead easier, happier and more comfortable life than before. Modern means of transport allow us to travel from one place to another fast. Means of communication help us keep in touch with any person at any time in no time. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. The government always tries to increase production in all fields. In agriculture, for instance, it has prepared a plan for land reclamation and cultivation. It has also obtained loans in order to be able to use machines in agricultural projects. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Some of the most important aims of education are to build the Egyptian citizen who is able to face the future and to create a productive society. Education also aims at preparing a generation of scientists able to stand up to the monopoly of science and technology by some countries. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9. Great projects are carried out. In the field of industry, Egyptian products are a source of pride not only for the Egyptians, but also for the whole Arabs. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 10. The terrorist bombs in Egypt are a catastrophe. Killing and wounding innocent people will solve no problems. The terrorists wanted to harm the tourist industry in Egypt, but Egypt will remain the land of peace for ever. ………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………. 1- لقد برهنت مصر للعالم كلة أنها لاتخشى الحرب ولكنها تريد السلام الذى يحمى منجزات الأجيال من الدمار. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 2إفتتحت السيدة سوزان مبارك مكتبة الإسكندرية كرمز للحضارة. …………………………………………………………………………………. 3يأتى السياح لمصـــر ليستمتعوا بجوها الجميل ………………………………………………………………………………….. 4تعانى المدن الكبيرة من الكثير من المشاكل مثل تلوث الهواء و الزحام و إختناق المرور. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. تقوى الرياضة أجسامنا وتنعش عقولنا وتعلمنا التعاون والصبر وحب الوطن. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 6. إن الصحافة هى مرآة المجتمع التى تعكس تقاليدة. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 7. لقد إتخذت الحكومة المصرية العديد من الإجراءات الصحية الاحتياطية لمكافحة مرض إنفلونزا الطيور ………………………………………………………………………………….. 8. إن الشباب هم العمود الفقرى لتقدم أى أمة لذا يجب الاهتمام بهم. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 9.ينبغى أن نشجع الشباب على ممارسة الرياضة لمساعدتهم على قضاء وقت فراغهم. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 .تحثنا الأديان السماوية على التسامح والإخوة ونبذ العنف. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. تلعب الرياضة دورا هاما فى بناء شخصية الإنسان. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 12يجب أن نطيع ونحترم والدينا والمعلمين لأنهم يعلمونا الكثير عن الحياة ………………………………………………………………………………….. حافظ على مدينتك ولا تلق بالقمامة فى الشوارع.13 ………………………………………………………………………………….. 14لايستطيع أحد أن ينكر أن العقل البشرى أعظم من الحاسبات الآلية ………………………………………………………………………………….. 15. إن التكنولوجيا الحديثة لها دور حيوى فى حياتنا. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 16. شكرنى صديقى على هديتى التى أرسلتا له فى عيد ميلاده. ………………………………………………………………………………….. 17تتأثر السياحة تأثيرا كبيرا بالأحداث الجارية فى العالم ………………………………………………………………………………….. 18كان للعلماء العرب تأثير كبير على الثقافة الغربية ………………………………………………………………………………….. 19 تعد الهجرة الغير الشرعية من النتائج السيئة للبطالة ………………………………………………………………………………….. 20 على الوالدين توجية ورعاية أبنائهم ليواصلوا رحلة الحياة بأمان . ………………………………………………………………………………….. 21........................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... 22.............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... 23............................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... 24................................................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................................................... 25.................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................... 26.................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................
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مراجة هامة في نهاية الترم الأول و توقعات هامة / رضا الهمشري 0106182939
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