مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
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 اسئلة فائقين للوحدة الأولى مع تحيات الأستاذ / رضا عبد الشافي الهمشري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

اسئلة فائقين للوحدة الأولى مع تحيات الأستاذ / رضا عبد الشافي الهمشري Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسئلة فائقين للوحدة الأولى مع تحيات الأستاذ / رضا عبد الشافي الهمشري   اسئلة فائقين للوحدة الأولى مع تحيات الأستاذ / رضا عبد الشافي الهمشري Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 9:51 am

Unit (1) lesson (1)
1-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- I'm reading a book about………….….Egyptians.
a. famous b. famous for c. fame d. famous in
2- ……………Egyptians lived thousands of years ago.
a. Ancient b. Modern c. Famous d. Historian
3- Ahmed's parents help him a lot to succeed…………….…education.
a. with b. in c. for d. by
4- Nabawiya Musa was the first Egyptian woman……….……to high school.
a. goes b. went c. going d. to go
5- Let's have some tea,……………?
a. have we b. should we c. haven't we d. shall we
6- A………………is a game where people answer questions.
a. match b. championship c. quiz d. competition
7- A woman teacher who is the leader of a school is called a……..……….. .
a. headmistress b. headliner c. headmaster d. head teacher
8- Very good Amir, your answer is correct. Now…….…………questions.
a. other b. another c. rather d. others
9- An…….……….is a person who studies buildings and tools from the past.
a. expert b. archeologist c. astronaut d. archaeologist
10- I have seen Dr Zewail talking about his discovery………………television.
a. at b. in c. by d. on
11- Nader is interested only………..…….playing computer games.
a. with b. in c. of d. by
12- A………..…..….is a shape of a person or animal that is made of stone or metal.
a. statue b. status c. state d. sculptures
13- Dr Zahi Hawass wants the Rosetta…………..…..…to be in Egypt.
a. Rock b. Statue c. Rose d. Stone
14- …….………people are you talking about?
a. Where b. Which c. Who d. When
15- In 1997, Dr Zewail………………the femto second.
a. won b. discovered c. received d. invented
16- ………………..study rocks and their history.
a. Geologists b. Historians c. Archaeologists d. Astronauts
17- Plants grow better in…………..…..than in sand.
a. space b. stone c. soil d. sky
18- The…………….Nile Armstrong went into space and walked on the moon.
a. geologist b. astronaut c. archeologist d. headmistress
19- Things that people wear round their necks, are called……..……… .
a. rings b. books c. statues d. jewellery
20- There are very big………….……of the pharaohs at Luxor.
a. schools b. statues c. streets d. stones
21- A game in which people answer questions is………………. .
a. a quiz b. a book c. a test d. an examination
22- Reda is keeping……….……in spite of the troubles he faces.
a. sad b. cheerful c. angry d. worried
23- The car accident was caused by its careless……………..…. .
a. pilot b. astronaut c. driver d. driver
2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- No woman in Egypt went to high school before Nabawiya Musa. (the first)
2- A geologist studies soil and rocks. (who)
3- Gold is used for making jewellery. (is made)
3- Read then write the word which best fits each space:
Egypt has so many geologists and archaeologists. Geologists…..(1)..…rocks and their history while….(2)…..study buildings and things from the past…..(3)….of the most famous archaeologists in the world is Dr Zahi Hawass. He often speaks…(4)..… television and sometimes……(5)..…in the magazine Egypt. He wants to return the Rosetta…(6)….to Egypt.
4-Translate into Arabic:
1- My father watches the news on television every evening.
2-Good qualities make men.
3- Egypt's loyal sons are always ready to give themselves for it.
4- When you like a person, you always try to follow his example.
5- Famous people influence us in a way or another.
5-Translate into English:
1- شاهدت فيلما ممتعا فى التلفزيون ليلة أمس.
2- كرة القدم هى رياضتى المفضلة.
3- مدينة زويل للعلوم خطوة كبيرة نحو التقدم العلمى
4- يعتبر حجر رشيد أحد أهم الآثار المصرية القديمة.
5- علينا جميعا أن نعمل من أجل مصر فليس لنا من وطن آخر.
Lesson (2)
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Doctors…………….in hospital and in clinics.
a. works b. worked c. work d. working
2- This is the place where I …………….born.
a. am b. have c. was d. had
3- When he had money, he always…….………you.
a. give b. gave c. gives d. has given
4- ……………..she always busy? Yes, she always has a lot of things to do.
a. Has b. Had c. Is d. Does
5- A minute ago, someone……………, but I didn't answer.
a. phones b. has phoned c. phoning d. phoned
6- ………………you have a mobile phone when you were in primary school?
a. Are b. Do c. Were d. Did
7- She………….a short story and went to bed.
a. read b. will read c. reads d. is reading
8- She usually……………….the internet when she was on holiday.
a. use b. using c. uses d. used
9- Did he…….………late yesterday?
a. come b. comes c. came d. coming
10- She…………..as a headmistress from 1998 to 2005.
a. works b. has worked c. worked d. will work

11- Mona……….…..happy and cheerful.
a. is always b. always is c. has always d. always has
12- She………..……..comes late. This is a good quality.
a. doesn't b. didn't c. hasn't d. never
13- How…………..…do you visit your grandfather?
a. often b. many c. sometimes d. long
14- He……………..football everyday when he was young.
a. play b. played c. plays d. playing
15- They……….….football every Friday.
a. play b. are playing c. are played d. have played
16- Look! He……….…..the tree.
a. climb b. is climbing c. is climbed d. climbed
17- He……….….to school early every day.
a. come b. is coming c. comes d. has come
18- He…………..a book about the River Nile last year.
a. studies b. studied c. was studying d. has studied
19- There……………once a tree here.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
20- My uncle…….………us three times last year.
a. visits b. has visited c. visited d. is visiting
21- My aunt……………us there times every year.
a. visits b. has visited c. visited d. is visiting
22- Lazy students usually………….in their tests.
a. fails b. fail c. failed d. failing
23- What time………….…you go to school every morning?
a. did b. does c. do d. done
2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- With a microscope, we can examining very small things. (enables)
2- The robbers planned to rob the bank. (a plan)
3- He is experienced in teaching. (has)
Lesson (3)
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Many large, modern cities have………....….railways.
a. underline b. undergo c. underwater d. underground
2- Let's…………...chess, shall we?
a. do b. go c. play d. win
3- They…………...another goal one minute before the end of the match.
a. scored b. won c. played d. put
4- Very heavy rain…………….on this area every year.
a. fails b. feels c. falls d. faints
5- He lives in a remote village. Remote means………..……. .
a. very near b. too far away c. very small d. very big
6- Dr El- Baz is one of Egypt's……….…….famous men.
a. more b. the more c. most d. the most
7- The tourist thanked me…….…………showing him the way to the hotel.
a. for b. on c. to d. about
8- The use of satellites to find water under deserts is called……………sensing.
a. reuse b. underground c. remote d. underwater
9- Teachers usually give…..….…….on how to study and prepare for exams.
a. advice b. advises c. chance d. chances
10- I'm working………..……a science project.
a. in b. at c. for d. on
11- In 1969, the Apollo space project succeeded in…………….men on the moon.
a. sending b. reaching c. landing d. arriving
12- There is no……..………on the moon.
a. soil b. rock c. space d. life
13- Dr El- Baz taught the astronauts how to collect……………..and soil on the moon.
a. rocks b. stamps c. photographs d. space
14- Famous men and women can………….…..people's lives.
a. discover b. influence c. succeed d. interfere
15- I'll try again and again. I will never…………….. .
a. stand up b. sit down c. give up d. take down
16- Ramy Ashour is an Egyptian squash player who is…………….famous.
a. national b. international c. local d. internationally
17- A………….championship is a kind of competition for young people.
a. junior b. remote c. major d. small
18- My father is good at………….. . He has had a camera since he was a boy.
a. photographer b. photography c. photographers d. cameraman
19- ……..………the age of 27, she married and went abroad.
a. In b. At c. On d. From
20- Football World Cup is a………..…..sports championship.
a. junior b. major c. ancient d. national
21- He wants to give up his job and become a……..………footballer, but he is not good enough.
a. sport b. international c. sports d. professional
22- When she was 16, my sister won the…………….tennis championship.
a. junior b. quality c. remote d. quantity
23- Samy didn't win the game. He lost……….……another player called Hamuksha.
a. by b. to c. in d. for
24- There are some……………..streams in this area.
a. undergraduate b. underground c. undergrowth d. underage
25- Abu Treka…………..…a lot of goals this year.
a. took b. scored c. played d. gave
26- They attended the………..…….and saw Dr Zewail receive his prize.
a. road b. street c. ceremony d. park
27- Someone with special…………….of a subject is an expert.
a. skills b. skins c. sports d. legs
28- ………………sports are played by people who are paid.
a. Professional b. Active c. Perfect d. Amateur
29- We can use the……………..water to reclaim our vast desert.
a. secret b. buried c. hidden d. underground
30- The American Apollo space project……………..on the moon successfully.
a. walked b. landed c. ran d. touched
2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1-Tanta is my birthplace. (born)
2- Let me advise you. (give)
3- My cousin is my age. (old)
4- Mary lost to her sister at tennis. (by)
5- At the age of 16, Ramy Ashour won his first major championship. (when)

6- She sometimes arrives late for work. (is)
7- Do you have any interest in sports? (interested)
8- Mona has helped you and you must thank her. (for)
3- Read then write the word which best fits each space:
My name is Samy. I'm 13…..(1)…old. I like all sports but I .…(2)….football most of all. I play
football and….(3)…..lots of goals. I feel very happy when my team….(4)…..a game. Sometimes we
lose but we never give…..(5)..When I ….(6)..….up, I'd like to be a famous professional football player.
4-Translate into Arabic: 1- Dr El-Baz is the world's greatest expert in remote sensing.
5-Translate into English:
1- يسعد لاعب كرة القدم عندما يسجل هدفا لفريقة.
2- المواطن الصالح يحب بلده ويعمل جاهدا من أجلها.
3- المياه الجوفية ليست أقل أهمية من البترول.
6-Answer the following questions:
1- What is remote sensing?
2-What do you know about Dr Farouk El-Baz? (2 facts)
3- How did Ramy Ashour become internationally famous?
4- Do you think satellites are useful? Give a reason for your answer.
5- How do you think Ramy Ashour felt when he won his first major championship?
6- Some think underground water isn't very important. What do you think?
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
1- Between a student and his teacher:
Student : Sir, can you………….(1)………….about the femto second?
Teacher: It is the smallest unit of the time. It…………….(2)…….by Dr Zewail.
Student: Do you mean the famous Egyptian scientist?`
Teacher :……………….(3)………………… .
Student: So he won…………..(4`)……….. .
Teacher: That's true.
Student: Thank you, sir.
2- Between Nadia and school Librarian:
Librarian: Hello Nadia, you took part in the reading competition last summer and won the second prize,….(1)… ….?
Nadia: Yes, I did. But I hope……….(2)…………….. .
Librarian: I'll help you………………….(3)………………….?
Nadia: About Taha Hussein.
Librarian: Great!.......................................(4)……….?
Nadia: Yes, I know that he wrote 40 books and I'll read them all.
Librarian: Good luck.

2-Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1- He was accustomed to playing football in the street when he was young. (used)
2- They decided to leave their jobs. (give)
3- He gets a good income as a footballer. (professional)
4- Umm Kulthum was famous as a singer. (know)
5- She won a prize when she was 16. (age)
6- He studies rocks. (geologist)
7- The Nobel Prize for chemistry went to Dr Zewail. (won)
8- Ramy managed to solve the problem. (succeeded)
9- I like music very much. (interested)
3- Read then write the word which best fits each space:
A) Dr El- Baz is a space scientist. He ........(1)……. as the Director of…..(2)…. . Sensing at
Boston University in the USA. He is the world's greatest…..(3)…...in remote sensing. He uses
satellites to find…...(4)….under deserts. Underground water was found in the Western Desert and in
Sinai thanks to the…...(5)…..which he took from..….(6)…. .
B) Nile Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon. He …(1)...on the surface of the moon in 1969. Armstrong and his colleague, Buzz Aldrin, stayed on the moon….(2)…nearly 90 minutes the first day. The next day, they….(3)….a lot of photographs. A third…..(4)….., Michel Collins, waited for them in their spaceship, Columbia, which went around the……(5)…..until they were ready to…..(6)…..to earth.
c)- Ramy was born in Cairo in 1987. At the….(1)….of 16, he became the youngest…(2)…to win the Men's world junior…(3)…..Championship. In 2006, he….(4)….the championship again. In the
Hong Kong 2006 Championship, he was second. He…(5)….to another Egyptian player Arm Shabana. Ramy's brother, Hisham, Ashour is also an…..(6)…Squash player.
D)- Dr El-Baz is a….(1)…scientist and……(2)….. .He is the Director of Remote…..(3)…at Boston university. He is an…(4)….in this field. By using satellites he could find…….(5)….…water in the Western…..(6)….and in Sinai.
4- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph:
I go to school every day. I usually gets up early. I didn't go by bus or taxi. I go always on foot.
A friend of mine walk with me every morning.
5-Answer the following questions:
1- Why is Zahi Hawass famous?
2- What do we mean by remote sensing?
3- Who was the first Egyptian woman who went to the high school?
4- What was Zahi Hawass interested in?
5- What did Ramy Ashour win?
6- How did Dr Farouk El-Baz help his country?
6-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Photos from……………..show underground water, oil and mineral.
a. moon b. sky c. stars d. satellites
2- My brother……………….the first prize in the reading competition last year.
a. won b. gained c. beat d. earned
3- Our team………….…….more goals than the other team.
a. scored b. gave c. played d. invented
4- My football team……….……their match last weekend.
a. beat b. gained c. earned d. won
5- When my brother was young, he……….………..football every day.
a. scored b. made c. played d. bought
6- To be fit, you should………………a lot of exercise.
a. play b. give c. go d. take
7- My father…………..……. me some advice before traveling abroad.
a. had b. took c. gave d. received
8- The manager………………us permission to leave work early yesterday.
a. gave b. made c. took d. bought
9- Ramy Ashour is an………..…….famous squash player.
a. internet b. external c. internal d. internationally
7-Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
Your favourite sport
8-Translate into English:
1- لقد ساعدتنا الأقمار الصناعية على أن نجد المياه الجوفية فى الصحراء.
2- تحاول مصر جاهدة إستعادة الآثار القديمة الموجودة فى المتاحف فى الدول الأخرى.
3- توجد كميات كبيرة من المياه الجوفية فى الصحراء الغربية فى مصر.
4- الدكتور فاروق الباز هو أعظم خبراء العالم فى الإستشعار عن بعد.
5- من هو أول رائد فضاء هبط على سطح القمر؟
6- فاز رامى عاشور ببطولة العالم للإسكواش لصغار السن رجال وعمره 16 سنة.
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اسئلة فائقين للوحدة الأولى مع تحيات الأستاذ / رضا عبد الشافي الهمشري
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