مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 difficult questions

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

difficult questions Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: difficult questions   difficult questions Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:32 pm

Choose the correct answer: تمارين شــــــــــامله
- It…………that air travel will become more popular in the future.
a. thinks b. thought c. was thought d. is thought
2- He did nothing wrong. He's………….. .
a. suspect b. guilty c. innocent d. sensible
3- If he doesn't get eight hours sleep every night, he…………really tired the next day.
a. feels b. will feel c. would feel d. is feeling
4- If I have any free time tomorrow, …..…..…….for a walk in the park.
a. I went b. I go c. I'd go d. I'll go
5- The piano is our favourite musical……………. .
a. tool b. instrument c. equipment d. device
6- Her Uncle can't remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have………….. .
a. injury b. amnesia c. phobia d. a headache
7- Don't worry. I'm sure…………them again soon.
a. you see b. you're seeing c. you'll see d. you're going to see
8- ……….…..you work harder, you'll fail your exam.
a. If b. Unless c. When d. As
9- I'm hot today. How about…………..to the beach?
a. gone b. going c. went d. go
10 - Accidents………...more frequently when the roads are busy.
a. take part b. come in c. cause d. occur
11. Millions of people watched the …………of the rocket on TV.
a. start b. launch c. set off d. beginning
12. How ……….times have you seen the film?
a. many b. much c. often d. lots
13. Wood ………..to heat people's homes.
a. burns b. is burning c. is burnt d. is being burn
14. The cover of my book is made of …………. .
a. card b. cardboard c. wood d. plastic
15. If you are thirsty, I ……….water.
a. will drink b. drank c. drinks d. would drink
16. He sent me the report as an e-mail…………… .
a. attach b. attachment c. reach d. fetch
17. Wood ……….can be turned into paper.
a. produce b. products c. production d. productive
18. A………is someone who produces books or magazines.
a. lawyer b. scientist c. publisher d. publication
19. The……..road will help you to shorten the distance to your location.
a. circle b. round c. rear d. ring
20. Sports…………is made of wood.
a. instruments b. equipment c. tools d. drillers
21. His neighbours hate him because he always………..on them.
a. spies b. flies c. ties d. pays
22. …………carry water from the roots to the leaves.
a. Bark b. Trunk c. Pipes d. Tubes
23. My elder sister is interested in wearing………………..dresses.
a. fashion b. fashionable c. unfashionable d. old- fashioned
24. Atomic ………….damages the environment.
a. energy b. club c. waist d. waste
25. President Sadat was…………..the Nobel Prize.
a. rewarded b. won c. received d. awarded
26. In the past, armies built strong ………….to defend their countries.
a. whistles b. cases c. wells d. castles
27. ……………are oxygen making factories.
a. paper b. papers c. branches d. leaves
28. Hany is clever at making ……………false stories.
a. out b. up for c. of d. up
29. An………….journey is full of excitement.
a. adventure b. advent c. appear d. adventurous
30. Famous teachers and doctors………….a lot of money.
a. gain b. beat c. win d. make
31. His instructions were really…………….. . I couldn't understand them.
a. confuse b. confused c. confuses d. confusing
32. I like reading Shakespeare's plays as I like his………….. .
a. system b. routine c. level d. style
33. It is the ……….of the Egyptians to go out on sham el Nessim.
a. habit b. tradition c. customs d. custom
34. He is a strong………….in ghosts.
a. belief b. believes c. believe d. believer
35. He represented Egypt as a …………….in the United Nations Organization.
a. mouse b. rabbit c. paramedic d. diplomat
36. Grandma fell down the stairs, she said, "I'm 17 years old." I think she has……… .
a. insomnia b. diabetes c. cancer d. amnesia
37. Talat Mustafa wants to prove his …………., but he can't.
a. innocent b. guilt c. guilty d. innocent
38. Be careful not to ……………..your head in the ceiling.
a. band b. hit c. strike d. bang
39. It is possible to…………. a piece of wood from a tree with no harm to it.
a. drill b. fill c. kill d. extract
40. When summer approaches, days…………… .
a. shorten b. sharpen c. harden d. lengthen
Find the mistake and correct it.
1. Before I entered the University, I had to show my credit card.
2- If you heat water, it melts.
3- Rafat El-Haggan and Gomaa El-Shawwan were very famous Egyptian kings.
4- Let's try to find them. They can't have went very far.
5. Electricity is produced in energy station.
6. In many countries, children take the right to attend school till the age of 16.
7. Millions of cars produce by Japanese car companies every year.
8. My father loves his job. He worked for the same job for 20 years.
9. When I was younger, I use to want to be a pilot.
10. Travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache.
11. The street where I live is only three metres width.
12. If you kick the ball too hard, you break that window.
13. I found the story very confused.
14. Haqqi was a strong belief in the power of education.
Translate into Arabic:-
1- Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of looking down on the Earth as it spins. It is impossible to go for a walk. However, you can do exercises. ………………………………………………………………………
2- Yehia Haqqi was born in 1905 in the Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo. He graduated in law and worked for a short time as a lawyer. In 1929, he began his career as a diplomat.
3- Egypt has many amazing works of ancient and modern engineering. At the south of Aswan, for example, Abu Simbel is the sit of two temples. These were carved into a cliff in about 1250 BC.
4- To remain employable, individuals must be good at the jobs they are doing and predict what skills they may need in the future. In today's world, lifelong learning helps people to get these skills.
5. Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make new paper. Fortunately, the trees that give us the best wood for paper grow very quickly. Old paper can also be recycled.
1- هل تطفئ الأنوار حينما تكون خارج الغرفة؟
2- بعدما أنهت دراستها المدرسية التحقت داليا بجامعة القاهرة.
3- لو كنت قلقا ,عليك أن تسأل والديك النصيحة.
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