مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 difficult dialogues

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

difficult dialogues Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: difficult dialogues   difficult dialogues Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 9:39 am

Between Sherif and a tourist who is on a visit to Fayoum.
Sherif : Welcome to Fayoum. ......................(1)......................?
Tourist : No, I came here twice before.
Serif : What place .........................(2)...................................?
Tourist : I visited Lake Karoun and Wadi EL-Rayan.
Serif : Did you enjoy your visit?
Tourist : ....................(3)................. they were wonderful.
Serif : I wish you good stay at Fayoum.
Tourist : ....................(4)..................... .

Bill is phoning from London:
Bill: this is bill speaking. Can I speak to Reda?
Reda: it is me. ………….. (1)………….?
Bill: Next Friday.
Reda: ………………….. (2)……………?
Bill: My flight number is 3020. I hope to see you in the airport.
Reda: sure. I have to tell you that…………….(3)……………. .
Bill: In your flat? Why?
Reda: All rooms are reserved.
Reda: I've made a plan for you to see the sights.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Hatem: I've just come back from Sinai.
Omar: ………….. (1)………………….?
Hatem: No, I have been there on business.
Omar: ………….. (2)………………….?
Hatem: I went there to plan a tourist village.
Omar: ………… (3)………………….?
Hatem: well! It was hard work.
Omar: ………….. (4)…………………?
Hatem: It was wonderful! The temperature is around 23.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Mr. Hassan has just received the monthly report of his son, Ali. He is talking to the class teacher.
Teacher: You look worried Mr. Hassan.
Hassan:……………. (1)………………… .
Teacher: Last month, I sent two notes asking you to come to school, but you didn't come.
Hassan:…………… (2)………………… .
Teacher: This isn't an excuse.
Hassan: I agree. …………. (3)………….?
Teacher: You should pay regular visits to school and you should tell Ali to study.
Hassan: …………… (4)…………………..?
Teacher: Sure. And I hope Ali will do well.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Tamer and his friend Hany are talking about the exam results:
Tamer: Have you seen the exam results?
Hany: ……………(1)…………. . What about you?
Tamer: I passed too and I have got high results.
Hany: Congratulations! ……….(2)……………….?
Tamer: Of course. They were very happy.
Hany: ……………(3)…………………?
Tamer: I've decided not to join the university and run my own business. What about you?
Hany: …………….(4)…………….. .
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Ahmed hasn't met his friend Hatem for a long time.
Ahmed: I haven't seen you for a long time.
Hatem: I'm very busy……….(1)……….. .
Ahmed: ………….(2)……………..this course?
Hatem: At the new institute of technology.
Ahmed: …………(3)………………?
Hatem: computer.
Ahmed: I think……….(4)………. .
Hatem: Right, it is both interesting and of great benefits.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Nora: Jane! What a surprise! …………(1)………..?
Jane: I arrived yesterday.
Nora :…………….(2)……..?
Jane: I'll be staying for a fortnight.
Nora: I'm dying to hear your news.
Jane :………………(3)………. .
Nora: A baby? How wonderful! ………….(4)………..?
Jane: A beautiful girl.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Louis: Where will you go next week?
Tom: ……………(1)……………. .
Louis: Oh, it is a very nice country. You will see many sights,……..(2)……?
Tom: I'll visit the pyramids.
Louis: ………….(3)…………?
Tom: I'd like to buy some medical herbs.
Louis: Will you travel by sea?
Tom: No, ………..(4)…….. .
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Salesman: Can I help you?
Ibrahim: Yes, please. …………(1)………. .
Salesman: A complaint? What about?
Ibrahim: About the TV set last week.
Salesman: ………….(2)…………….?
Ibrahim: The screen is very dark.
Salesman: But I had tried it, ……(3)……..?
Ibrahim: When I went home, I found this mistake.
Salesman: ……………….(4)………….?
Ibrahim: Yes, I have the guarantee certificate. Here it is.
Nada: Have you read the newspapers today?
Hany: ………… (1)…….. . What is there?
Nada: There is an attractive advertisement.
Hany: What is it about?
Nada: …………. (2)……………. .
Hany: An accountant? This may be a good chance.
Nada: …………. (3)……………?
Hany: Yes, I will. When will the application forms be available?
Nada: Next Sunday. ………… (4)………….?
Hany: Of course, you can come.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
R.G. P: Could I talk to you, sir?
You: ……….. (1)………….. .
R.G.P: I represent the green party. Have you heard about it?
You:………… (2)…….. . Give me an idea about it.
R.G.P: It is concerned with the environment.
You: You are keeping the environment clean,……….. (3)……….?
R.G.P: Right! We are looking for new members. …………. (4)………….?
You: I'd love to. It is an honour to join your party.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
You are phoning a home delivery restaurant
Waiter: Yes, sir. Can I help you?
You :…………(1)……………… .
Waiter: What would you like to have?
You :…………(2)………………. .
Waiter: ……….(3)……………..?
You: Yes, two cans of soft drinks. ……….. (4)…………….?
Waiter: Your order will be delivered in 20 minutes, but your name and address?
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Mona: Soha, nice to meet you here!
Soha: Oh, hi, Mona. I'm just looking for something to buy for my Mother on
Mather's Day ………… (1)……………………..?
Mona: Why don’t you get her something to wear?
Soha: ………………………….. (2)………………… .
Mona: Okay, then. What about a bottle of perfume?
Soha: But I got her one for her last birthday.
Mona: …………………………… (3)……………….?
Soha: That's a good idea. Her old bag is falling apart.
Mona: Great! I'll come with you if you like.
Soha: …………………………... (4)………………… .

16) Ahmed and his friend Magdy who are talking about spending a day outdoors:
Ahmed: What about spending a fun day outdoors next Friday?
Magdy: ……………. (1)………… . Shall we go to the club?
Ahmad: No, we always go there.
Magdy: Well, what do you suggest?
Ahmad: …………… (2)……..the Media Production City.
Magdy: Good, that's a wonderful suggestion. Have you ever been there?
Ahmad: Yes, it is a lot of fun.
Magdy: …………... (3)………………..?
Ahmad: Of course, there is a dolphin show, entertainment stages, restaurants.
Magdy: Ok. I hope…........... (4)…………………. .
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
A professor at a press conference
Reporter: Can this new drug prolong human life?
Professor: Yes, we believe it can.
Reporter:…………. (1)………….?
Professor: Of course, further tests will be done soon.
Reporter: …………. (2)……….?
Professor: It is a complex process and depends on the team work.
Reporter: Can people buy this product now?
Professor: …………. (3)……….. the public yet.
Reporter: What about its side effects?
Professor: We hope……. (4)………….. .
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Guest: I want ……….. (1)………….. .
Receptionist: But the garden view is lovely, too.
Guest: Couldn't you …….. (2)…………..?
Receptionist: One will be free in this afternoon. It over looks the sea, but……(3)… .
Guest: I don't mind paying more. …………. (4)…………?
Receptionist: 20$ more, sir.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Nader: Hi Tarek! I have just bought this mobile phone. Have a look!
Tarek: Great! But the screen is scratched. ………… (1)…………?
Nader: Oh! No! I haven't noticed it. ………………... (2)..………..?
Tarek: If I were you, ………. (3)…………….. .
Nader: Really?
Tarek: Yes, they must change or………….(4)……………. .
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Ahmed: Would you mind doing me a favour?
Father: …………….(1)…………………..?
Ahmed: I'm wondering if you could lend me 50 pounds.
Father: Why do you need the money?
Ahmed: ……….. (2)………… and I want to buy her a present.
Father: But I gave you some money last week,………. (3)…..?
Ahmed: But I don't have enough money to buy her a present.
Father: ………….. (4)……………………… .
Ahmed: Thank you, dad.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
A policeman is talking to a witness;
Officer: Mr. Ahmed. …………..(1)………………..?
Ahmed: Yes, I saw a man stepping into the road and a lorry was coming.
Officer: ………………(2)………………?
Ahmed: Not too fast.
Officer: Did the driver signal before he turned left?
Ahmed: I'm sorry, …………..(3)………….. .
Officer: Well, ………(4)…………. .
Ahmed: Then, the lorry swerved and ran into a private car.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Hany: Welcome to Egypt. …………..(1)……………..?
Tourist: I come from England.
Hany: Is this your first visit?
Tourist: No, …………….. (2)……….. .
Hany: ……………………. (3)………………..?
Tourist: Because the weather here is fine.
Hany: ……………………. (4)………………..?
Tourist: I'll stay for a fortnight.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Tamer: Did you watch the football match last night?
Hassan: …………….(1)………………. .
Tamer :………………(2)………………. .
Hassan: So was I . I thought I've never seen such an exciting match.
Tamer: ……………...(3) ……………….?
Hassan: I think it will be next month.
Tamer :……………….(4)……………….?
Hassan: It will be in Cairo Stadium.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Manager: ………………. (1)……………….?
Hamid: I have been in computer programming for five years now.
Manager: ……………… (2)………………..?
Hamid: Microtech Computer Company.
Manager: Why do you want to leave this company?
Hamid: ……………….... (3)………………. .
Manager: We pay more than that, but we need hard work. …………(4)……..?
Hamid: Yes, sir. I'm married.
Sara has just finished a driving test to get a licence:
Ali: ………….. (1)……………….?
Sara: Not so well!
Ali: Didn't you get your licence?
Sara: …………(2)…………… .
Ali: Of course, the officer should be strict. …………(3)………..?
Sara: I forgot to use the hand brake. I hit the car behind.
Ali: Was anyone hurt?
Sara: …………(4)….. . Thanks God.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Hind and Nada are talking about using computers.
Hind: ……………….. (1)……………….?
Nada: Of course, I use it. Don't you use it?
Hind: ……………… (2)…………., but my parents promised to buy me one.
Are you ready to teach me how to use the net?
Nada: With pleasure.
Hind: ……………… (3)………………….?
Nada: I've been using the net for a year.
Hind: Is it difficult to log onto the internet?
Nada: ……………... (4)……….. .
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Receptionist: Can I help you?
Guest: ………….. (1)…………….. .
Receptionist: Single or double?
Guest: Double, please.
Receptionist :………….(2)………..?
Guest: For one week. …………(3)………..?
Receptionist: Sixty $ a night including bed and breakfast.
Guest :……………(4)………………?
Receptionist: Yes, you can pay by credit card.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Sally and Sherin are talking about their future career:
Sally: What would you be after you leave school, Sherin?
Sherin: …………………………...(1)……………….. .
Sally: Why that specially?
Sherin: Because I'm interested in teaching. I'd like to teach young children.
………………… (2)…………….?
Sally: I want a job where I can see the world.
Sherin: ……………………….…. (3)……………?
Sally: Well, may be she is like a flying waitress. I'd rather be a tour guide.
Sherin: Why would you like to be a tour guide?
Sally: ……………………………... (4)…………. .
A father and his son about finding a job:
Dad: Congratulation! Now that you've got your BA…………… (1)………?
Son: I wish I could travel aboard for a job.
Dad: Why don’t you……….. (2)………….?
Son: It's become difficult to find a job here nowadays.
Dad: How about starting a small business of your own?
Son: But I don't ………………. (3)……… .
Dad: You can get a long from the bank.
Son: Ok, …………………… (4)…………. .
……..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Omneya, the receptionist in a doctor's clinic, and Aya:
Omneya: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Aya: Oh yes, I'd like …...……..(1)………… .
Omneya: I'm afraid Dr Ezz is on holiday. Would you like to see Dr Ehab instead?
Aya: Ok then, that would be fine.
Omneya: Right. The first available appointment is on Thursday………. (2)……?
Aya: Yes that’s all right.
Omneya: ……………………(3)………………?
Aya: Aya Usama.
Omneya: What seems to be the problem?
Aya: ………………………….(4)……………… .
Omneya: Right. We'll see you then on Thursday.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Assistant in an electrical shop and you:
Assistant: Good morning! How can I help you?
You: Hello! I've got a problem with my washing machine.
Assistant: ………………………(1)…………….?
You: It makes a terrible noise and there is water leak in the back. تسرب
Assistant: What make is the machine?
You: ………….(2)……. . Will you send someone to check it?
Assistant: Of course! …………….. (3)…………..?
You: Ma name is Mrs. Ramzy and I live at 21, Degla Street.
Assistant: ……………… (4)….within the hour.
You: Thank you.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Peter: Where should I spend this week in Egypt?
Hany: I suggest two places, Alex or the Red Sea, but I ………..(1)……… .
Peter: …………(2)……………….?
Hany: It is the best place where you…………………(3)…………….. .
Peter: Good idea. I like the coral reefs, but I don't know how to dive.
Hany: ………………….(4)………….. .
Peter: Fantastic. It will be a nice voyage.
Enas: Hi, Dalia! ……………. (1)…………….?
Dalia: I'm buying a present for my sister. She got married three days ago.
Enas: Congratulations! But I must blame you for……… (2)…….. .
Dalia: sorry. It all happened so fast.
Enas: don't worry! ………………(3)……………?
Dalia: One of her colleagues, a man of good family.
Enas: I hope your sister……………. (4)…………. .
Dalia: thank you. You are thoughtful.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Boss: You look sad and gloomy, Mr. Hamid. …………(1)…………….?
Hamid: My car …………….(2)………… .
Boss: When did it happen?
Hamid: Last night.
Boss; …………… (3)………………?
Hamid: Yes, I have reported the police.
Boss: …………….(4)…………….. .
Hamid: I hope so.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Uncle Ramzy congratulates Adel on getting a job:
Uncle: …………………(1)……………….. .
Adel: Thanks! ………..(2)…………………?
Uncle: your father did. ………..(3)………..?
Adel: I'm going to start next Sunday.
Uncle: Good! ………….(4)……………….?
Adel: They will give me 500 $ a month.
………..R H………. R H ………. R H………… R H ……….. R H ……….
Seham; …………..(1)……………?
Amira: It is the portrait of my father.
Seham: He seems to be smart. ………….(2)……………?
Amira: …………...(3)………….. .
Seham: He must be a clever doctor. …………(4)………?
Amira: He works in El Reda hospital.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
difficult dialogues
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» difficult questions
» Dialogues - Dialogues
» important dialogues in the exams
» Mention the place, the speaker and the language function in each of the following two min-dialogues:-

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة :: الصف الأول الثانوي :: اللغة الإنجليزية-
انتقل الى: