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 Unit 1 exercises

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

Unit 1 exercises Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Unit 1 exercises   Unit 1 exercises Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:16 pm

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- My uncle bought a new computer to………..….the old one.
a. retreat b. place c. reform d. replace
2- Japan…………..a communication satellite into space last week.
a. fired b. spent c. went d. launched
3- I can't tell you where we're going. It's a…………… .
a. scene b. secret c. security d. sector
4- Modern cars have a sat-nave………..to help drivers find the best route.
a. pedal b. system c. wheel d. horn
5- The soldiers had to carry their…….….on their backs for miles.
a. army b. equipment c. camp d. equation
6- Our brain………….the whole body.
a. saves b. controls c. kills d. makes
7- He is well…….….to do that kind of sport.
a. train b. training c. trainer d. trained
8- I'm looking forward to……….…space walks.
a. moving b. doing c. making d. turning
9- A space………….can take several years.
a. secret b. launch c. mission d. repair
10- The Director is………...…..having talks in the USA.
a. currency b. currently c. silently d. current
11- ……..……is the force that makes things fall to the ground.
a. Spokes b. Gravity c. Gratitude d. Graduation
12- The……….of the wheel of the bike help it to move well.
a. wires b. bells c. spokes d. pedals
13- They celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding……..…… .
a. funeral b. mourning c. sadness d. anniversary
14- On this mission, the shuttle will………the earth at a height of several hundred miles.
a. turn b. move c. go d. orbit
15- What's the…..……..between Cairo and Tanta?
a. width b. distance c. height d. distaste
16- …..…….means at the present time.
a. Spontaneously b. Lately c. Recently d. Currently
17- In Britain medical…………….is provided free on the NHS.
a. treaty b. illness c. treatment d. sickness
18- Poor people suffer from the high……..….of living.
a. cost b. coast c. look d. preserve
19- Our toys are…….……., but mine is smaller.
a. alike b. the same c. same d. similar
20- Doing………….is a very good way of keeping fit.
a. gravity b. weightless c. homework d. gymnastics
21- There will be spokes with……….....gravity for weightless sports.
a. zero b. ordinary c. speedy d. high
22- When you are……………..in space, it must be very difficult to stand still.
a. weighing b. heavy c. light d. weightless
23-What is the………..……of the fight?
a. way b. method c. cause d. reason
24- Space………….is the main interest of scientists these days.
a. discovery b. exploration c. invention d. expectation
25- The mechanic……….….a car for damage.
a. crashes b. leaks c. examines d. smashes
27- The plane took………….from London airport two hours late.
a. on b. off c. for d. of
28- The plane flew………….a height of 300 metres in space.
a. on b. in c. at d. over
29- Many people are queuing………..…to buy bread.
a. on b. up c. of d. down
30- A cigarette tip was the cause……..…..the fire.
a. with b. of c. for d. to

Find the mistake in the each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1- The mechanic tasted my car carefully before repairing it.
2- Don't tell anyone about our plan, it's a scared.
3- Astrologers could find water on the moon.
4- My plane is making off early in the evening.
5- Mubarak gave an important speech on the occasion of the sixth of October University.
6- She is current working for a famous company in Jordan.
7- Some people think that tourism has some side affects on the society.
8- The sponges of the front wheel in my bike need to be repaired.
9- I've preserved a hotel room for me.
10- This space station moves the Earth.
11- Zero gravity is the main factor of weight sports.
12- Computers crosswords should always be secret.
13- What are the reasons to his sudden departure?

1- To express a true fact. 2- To predict events. 3- To decide something quickly.
4- To offer to do something. 5- To ask someone to do something.
6- To make arrangement. 7- To make a threat.
8. If unless, after, before, when, as soon as, until
I won't go out until the film ends.

1- To express an intention that was planned or decided before the moment of speaking.
We are going to spend our holiday in Hurghada. Would you like to come with us?
2- To predict a future event for which there is some evidence now.
I think it's going to go rain. The sky is cloudy.

Talk about a future event which is already arranged and which is definite.
They are travelling London tomorrow.

Express a future event which is certain because of a timetable or calendar.
The train to Aswan leaves at 8.00 tomorrow morning.

Say that you will be in the middle of doing something at a certain time in the future.
From 7 to 9 tomorrow, I will be studying English.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Maher………to London later this morning. He's arranged everything.
a. is flying b. would fly c. has flown d. will fly
2- I…………….lunch with my friends tomorrow. I've arranged that.
a. will have b. have c. am going to have d. am having

3- I'm sure the next match……………exciting.
a. is b. is going to be c. would be d. will be
4- We have got the theatre tickets. We…………..the play.
a. watch b. will watch c. are watching d. have watched
5- The phone is ringing. ……………answer it?
a. Are you going b. Will you c. Are you d. Do you
6- My grandmother………….eighty next month.
a. is b. would be c. will be d. is going to be
7- I expect she………..……...late tomorrow.
a. is coming b. comes c. will come d. came
8- The next plane…….………at six o'clock.
a. is taking off b. takes off c. is going to take off d. will take off
9- The teacher………………..you if you come late again.
a. am punishing b. will punish c. am going punish d. punish
10- The wind is getting stronger. There…………….a sandstorm.
a. going to b. will be c. is going to be d. is
Find the mistake in the each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:-
1- Nada is going to be sixteen next week.
2- They will leave for Alexandria tomorrow. They have packed their bags.
3- I expect she isn't going to come late tonight.
4- His plane will arrived at eleven pm.
5- We won't leave until my father came.
6- Our final match against Italy is going to be on 7th June.
7- I will leave school at nine. I have permission.
8- I am helping you if I have free time.
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Unit 1 exercises
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