مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

تعليمي $$$ مع تحياتي : حسين عبد الخالق علي أبوزيد$$$ ٠١٠٠١٦٥٥٧٨٢
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 unit 1 first year

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

unit 1 first year Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: unit 1 first year   unit 1 first year Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 9:48 am

Lesson (1)
Leila: Let's do this quiz about famous Egyptians, shall we?
Soha: Good idea.
Leila: The first person is Nabawiya Musa.
Soha: Why was she famous?
Leila: She was the first Egyptian woman to go to the high school.
Soha: What did she do when she was older?
Leila: She helped other women to succeed in education and work. Did she write books?
Soha: Yes, she wrote a very famous book in 1908 about girls' education.
She became the headmistress of Al Mohammadia School for girls.
Leila: So she was a really important person.
Soha: Yes, she was. This time is about a famous man. He is called Dr Zahi Hawass.
Do you know what he is famous for?
Leila: Is he an archaeologist?
Soha: Yes, he is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world.
Leila: I've seen him talking about the pyramids on TV.
Soha: Yes, he often speaks on the radio and TV. He sometimes writes in the magazine Egypt Today. He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums in other countries.
Leila: What kind of things?
Soha: Statues, jewellery and the Rosetta stone.
Egyptian people don't see these things if they are in other countries.
أسئله هـــــــــامه
1. Who was Nabawiya Musa?
She was the first Egyptian woman to go the high school. She helped other women to succeed in education. She became the headmistress of Al Mohammadia School for girls.
2. Who is Dr Hawass?
He is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world. He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt for the Egyptian to see.
3. Who was Samira Musa?
She was a nuclear scientist. She was born in Zifta. She was assassinated because she wanted to build a nuclear reactor in Egypt.
4. Who was Naguib Mahfouz?
He was a famous man of letters. He wrote many novels about the life of the Egyptians. He won the Nobel Prize in 1988 for literature.
5. Who were the Nobel laureates in Egypt?
Sadat in peace, Mahfouz for literature, Zewail for chemistry and Baradie in peace.
6. Where is Rosetta Stone now?
It is in the Paris museum.
Lazlaz: Do you know famous Egyptians?
Kalbaz: ……………..(1)………….. .
Lazlaz: What is Hawass famous for?
Kalbaz: ………………(2)………….. .
Lazlaz: …………………(3)……………?
Kalbaz: Yes, I see him talking on TV.
Lazlaz: Is he the minister of archaeology, now?
Kalbaz:………………….(4)…………. .
فنيــــــــــــــات عــــــــــــــــالـــــــــــــــيه
School: ………………………………. The school:…………………………
After school, he will travel abroad.
He goes to school everyday.
Yesterday, my father went to the school to sign my file.
The first ………….to ……..
She was the first woman to go the high school/ secondary school.
أخى طالب فى الصف الأول الثانوى و أنا كذلك.
Help……..( to) ………… help …………….helpful…….. helper……….
She helped other women to succeed.
She gave help to the others.
She was helpful.
She was a helper.
Famous………….for …………..in fame …………… reputation…………
He was famous for hospitality. He was famous in his village.
He has fame. He has a reputation.
Girl's education…………………girls' education………………………
She wrote a book about……………………… .
Headmaster………………………….headmistress………………. principal:………..
She is the ……………….of our school.
He studies rocks, so he is a /an………………… .
He studies old civilizations. He is a /an……………….. .
One ……….. one of………..
He is ……….driver. He is ………..the drivers n the company.
He is …………the archaeologists.
On the radio and TV. In a radio and TV programme.
I saw him talking…………TV.
I saw him talking………….a TV program.
Later…………….latter……………latest ………..least……………lest………..
She became a headmistress…………… .
I saw one of them, but I didn't see the …………. .
She told me the ……………news.
He visits me three times at…………..a month.
He ran fast …………….he should miss the train.
Like……………..would like……………….
I like eating eggs.
I would like to eat eggs.
Know about ……………….hear of / about………………hear from………..
What do you know about Hawass?
Have you heard ………….Hawass?
Have you heard …………….your brother?
Fame ………………
Archaeologist ………
Do a quiz……………
Succeed in ………….
Successful at/in………
Success……………… Nobel laureate……
Nuclear scientist…..
Nuclear energy……
Education ………... In a TV programme…
On TV……………..
Write for / in ………
Write on / about…….
Autobiography ……. Criticism………
Critical thinking…
Return …………..

How about ………….? What about…………..?
Shall we………………?
Let's …………………. . Let's……………….., shall we?
Good idea. Why not? Brilliant. Sorry. Busy.
السؤال بفعل مساعد
Do you know her? Did you see him? Can you swim?
Is it your first visit to Egypt?
Yes, it is. No, I came here twice before.
السؤال بأداه إستفهام
What did she do at her childhood?
Where do you come from?
What is it famous for?
Other: She helped other women.
The other girls will arrive tomorrow.
Another: I'll visit you another day.
Can you tell me where the cinema is?
Do you know how many books he wrote?
1. نبوية موسى أول مصرية تذهب للثانوية..................................................................................................
2.أصبحت نبوية أول ناظرة للمحمدية الثانوية.................................................................................................
3.ألفت نبوية كتابا عن تعليم البنات.................................................................................................................
1. You suggest watching a video. ……………………………………………
2. You ask someone about his country……………………………………………
3. Ask your friend about his fathers 'job………………………………………….
4. Someone suggests going to the zoo. …………………………………………..

He was born in 1946 in Egypt where he grew up. He went to Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the USA in 1974. After this, he worked in the University of California where he became a professor. At the age of 52, he won a prize because he discovered the femto second, many people came to the ceremony and saw Dr Zewail receive his prize. He got (was awarded) the Nobel Prize for chemistry. Now he lives in the USA and has four children, his wife is a doctor. He helps scientists to make new medicines.
Grow up…………….
Growing up…………
Bringing up………..
Professor …………. Discover…………..
Make a discovery of
Send …………….. Was awarded……
Chemistry ……… Physics…………..
Cure ……………..
1. He received the Nobel Prize. (awarded) …………………..
2. He made a discovery of the femto second. (discovered) ……………………
3. He won the prize at the age of 52. (when) …………………….
4. He spent his childhood in Egypt. (grew) ……………………..
Zewail is a famous scientist. He was…(1)…..in Egypt and ……(2)…..at Alex University. Then, he ……(3)…..to the USA and became a ……(4)……at the University of California. He…(5)…the Nobel Prize in 1998. He helps ……(6)….to find cures for diseases.

The present simple tense

يتكون من مصدر الفعل مع إضافة ......أو......فى حالة المفرد الغائب.
He goes to school everyday.
She reads English novels at this time.
I usually have tea in the morning.
I write e-mail to my friends.
The sun rises in the east.
He plays football everyday.
The train leaves at six o'clock tomorrow.
بعد الروابط الزمنية للدلالة على المستقبل
As soon as he arrives, we will leave.
You won't leave until your car arrives.
الظروف قبل الفعل ما عدا.......
He always comes early. He is always early.
Don't/ doesn't / never النفى
She doesn't go to school.
She never goes to school.
Always /sometimes / usually /often / never /rarely / scarcely /every…. /at this time /in the morning ……../ in summer …/
She cleans the flat every week. The flat is cleaned every week.
What do you do?
What are you doing? بين الفرق
The present continuous tense
am / is /are + verb + ing.
He is playing football.
I'm writing a letter now.
A letter is being written now.
She isn't watering the garden.
At this time she reads, but at the present she is watching TV.
شىء يحدث الآن
He is flying to Paris tomorrow. خطط مستقبلية
Someone is cleaning the house. (The house)
He complains again and again. = He is always complaining
1. People still read Dr Taha's books. (are)
2. He goes to the cinema once a month. (How often)
3. I need to do my homework. (needs)
4. He used to be a singer. (no longer)
5. He doesn't come to see me. (never)
6. He usually has tea in the morning. (used to)
7. It is my habit to get up early. (usually)
8. What is your job? (do)
9. Take the pen and write your homework. (As soon as)
10) Street children have no families. (any)
11) How about going to the cinema? (Let's……)
12) The government is spending a lot of money on these projects (being)
13) What time is it? (got)
Dr El Baz:
It only rains every 20-50 years in the western Desert. However two million years ago, very heavy rain fell there and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert sand. Today, we need this water and the person we have to thank for finding it is one of Egypt's most famous men.
1. How often does it rain in the Western Desert?
2. What happened two million years ago?
3. Why should we thank Dr El Baz?
Two million……………………..two millions…………….
Fall…………….fell fallen / fell………felled……….. feel……..felt … felt
Quantity / amount ……………………….quality……………..
Thank……for………. Thanks to………………
Famous / well-known……….
Dr El Baz is a space scientist and a geologist. He is the director of remote sensing at Boston University. He is the world's greatest expert in this field: the use of satellites to find water under the desert. Underground water was found in the Western Desert and Sinai thanks to / because of / due to / owing to the photographs he took from space.
1. What does El Baz do?
2. What is remote sensing?
3. How did he find water underground?
Expert on / in………………… experience in………………………experiment into…….

From 1967 to 1973, he worked on the American Apollo space project which landed men on the moon. He gave advice on where the astronauts should land and told them how to collect rocks and the lunar soil.
He was born in Zagazig in 1938 and was educated at Ain Shams University.
Thank ….for……….. Thanks to………….
Space scientist……
Geology ………….. Underground water
The underground
Take photographs
Astronauts……… Astronomers……
Give advice…….
Work on ……………

Chess / football / a trick on / a part / a role / music / the piano
a goal / a point
Care of / advice / test/ exam / money / drugs / rest / medicine
a cup / medal / prize / game /championship
Advice/ help / hand to / lecture

Discovery / promise / mistake /the bed / tea / phone call / difference to
Medicine / suggestion / decision
do Homework / housework / job /work / hobby / shopping / damage

was born in Cairo in September 1987. At the age of 16, he became the youngest player to win the men's world junior squash championship. In 2006, he won the championship again. In the Hong Kong 2006 championship, he was second; he lost to another friend in the team, Amr Shabana. Ramy's older brother Hisham is an expert squash player.
1. Who was Ramy Ashour?
2. When did he win the world junior squash championship?
3. How many times did he win it?
4. To whom did he lose?
5. What is Hisham Ashour expert in?
Pro-democracy ……..
Civil rights…………. Legendary…………
Former president…..
Independence …… Polite………………
Hard working man…
Bravery …………… Brave…………..
Beat ……………
Rewrite: 1. Amr beat Ramy. (lost)
2. He works hard. (hard-working)
3. He has no idea. (any)

No gains without pains. Every one of us has a model in life. My model example is my teacher. He is a very kind man. He is always cheerful and meets me with a smile that makes you forget your cares and sadness. I want to follow his steps and be a teacher of English like him. He works hard to earn much money for his family. He does his best to make us understand our lessons. He is optimistic and patient.

Write a paragraph about a person you know
May be a father or a teacher or a famous man or woman
Who is this person? / When was he born? / What is he like? (character ) / What does he look like? (appearance) / Where does he live? / What does he do? / How did he influence you?

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unit 1 first year
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