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 unit 2 first year

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

unit 2 first year Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: unit 2 first year   unit 2 first year Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 9:46 am

Unit (2)

After Shakespeare, he is probably the most famous writer in the English language. He is best known for his novels about life. He was born in 1812 into a good family in the south of England. When he was still young, his father went to prison because he had got into debt. Charles went to London to earn money for the family. At the age of 12, he was working for ten hours a day in a factory. He saw how hard life was for the poor. Many of the ideas for his stories and their characters came from this time.
1. What do you know about Dickens?
2. When was he born?
3. Why did his father go to prison?
4. Where did Charles work to earn money for the family?
5. Where did many of the ideas he wrote about come from?
the most famous…………………..my most famous ………………
1. She is ………………..woman in Egypt.
2. She is ………………..singer. I love her much.
was born in……………. was born into………………. was borne…………………
1. He was …………Cairo. 2. He was………….a good family.
3. The weather …………..during the night only.
prison…………… prisoner………………
1. He was sent to……………… . 2. He is a …………….of war.
was in debt ……………..got into debt……………….
Earn money……………..make money………………
1. He ……….money for his family. 2. He …………money from his work,90000$ a week.
Character………………. Hero………………….. champion……………..
1. Fagin is a ……………. . 2. Oliver is a ……………. Ramy Ashour is a …………..
After he left the factory, he went to work as an office clerk, but he didn't enjoy this. In 1834, he started work as a newspaper journalist. While he was working for the newspaper, he was also writing magazine stories about life in London. Instead of using his real name, he called himself Boz for these stories. He went on to write Oliver Twist in 1838and Nicholas Nickleby in 1839. David Copperfield in 1850. A tale of two cities in 1859 and great expectations in 1861. In Oliver Twist, he shows the dark side of life in the 19th century. He describes the lives of child workers and the lives of the workhouses where very poor people were sent to live and work.
1. What did he work after the factory?
2. What pen name did he choose for himself?
3. What did he show in Oliver Twist?
Go on writing……………….. go on to write……………..
Real name…………..pen name………………nickname………………. Surname………
English literature….
Commit a crime…. Debts…………..
Pay back……….
Return ………… Earn money……..
Work as ………..
Instead of ……… Rather than……….
Pen name…………
Street children……
Shelter ……………

He grew up in a workhouse because his mother had died when he was born. Life was hard. When he asked for more food because he was hungry, he was punished. He ran away to London. There he met a boy called Jack Dawkins who was in a gang of thieves. An old man, Fagin, taught the children how to be thieves. Oliver went to live with them.
1. Where did Oliver grow up? Why?
2. How was life?
3. Why was he punished?
4. What did he do when he was punished?
5. Where did he escape?
6. Who did he meet there?
7. What did Fagin teach the children?
8. Did Oliver have choice to live with Fagin's gang?
Punish………………reward………………… award……………….. gift:……
1. He was ………….because he won the prize.
2. He was ………. because he made a mistake.
3. The Nile is the ………….of Egypt.
Run away: escape…………….. run after:………………….
1. The police …………him, but he succeeded in …………….. .
Gang:………………………….. band:……………………..
1. Hantira is a boss of a …………that rob banks.
2. My brother is in a …………of musicians.
Teach:…………………………. Learn:………………………
1. Fagin was able to …………..the children.
2. The children were able to …………from Fagin.
One day, he was with the gang when they tried to take something from a man's pocket. The man, Mr Brownlow, caught them, but he was kind and stopped the police from arresting Oliver. Instead, he took him back to his house and looked after him. He lived happily in this house until one of the gang saw him. Bill Sikes kidnapped him and took him back to Fagin.

1. What do you think of Mr Brownlow?
2. Prove that Mr Brownlow was kind to Oliver.
3. Who kidnapped Oliver?
Pocket……………..packet……………….. package tour……………
1. I put my money in my……………… .
2. She bought a ………….of tea.
3. She travelled to Mecca in a ………….. .
Kind: (adj.)………………. (n)……………. Type/ sort……………
1. The people ……………the thief until the police came and …………..him.
Look after:……………………… look for:……………..
1. Mr Brownlow looked………….Oliver.
Happy:…………….happiness:……………….. happily:……………………
1. They lived……….. . 2. They saw real…………….. . 3. They were………… .
Kidnap:……………….. hijack:………………. Kid…………………. Nap………….
Kidnapper:…………… kidnapping:……………………….. ransom …………..
1. The thieves wanted a …………..to set free the kidnapped girl.
2. Bill …………..Oliver and took him ………..to Fagin.
Take …..back………. take……in:…………………………

Oliver had to go with the gang when they broke into a country house that belongs to Mrs Maylie and her niece Rose. The thieves were discovered and Oliver was shot. When Oliver told Mrs Maylie and Rose that he didn't want to be a thief, they believed him and invited him to live with them.
One day, in their house, Oliver saw Fagin and another man called Mr Monks looking at him through a window. Finally, the police arrested all the gang. It was discovered that Monks was half brother to Oliver. He wanted to put Oliver into trouble because he would get all their father's money. Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver and they went to live with Mrs Maylie and Rose who was discovered that she was his mother's sister.

1. Who put Oliver in the workhouse? Why?
2. How did Oliver feel when he discovered that his brother put him in a workhouse?
3. How was Oliver rewarded at the end of the story?
4. To what extent was this story similar to Dickens' life?

Break down:…………………… break into:…………………..
1. Thieves …………….a shop in our street yesterday.
2. My car…………….on the road to Tanta.
Nephew:…………………………. Niece:…………………….
1. The son of my brother is my………………………. .
2. The daughter of my brother or my sister is my…………. .
Shoot:……………………………. Shut:…………………….
1. The police………….the criminal.
Half brother:…………………….. step father:……………….
1. We share the same father only, so he is my……………….. .
2. He married my mother after my father's death, he is my…………… .
Adopt:……………………………. Adapt:……………………
1. Mr Brownlow…………….Oliver and they lived happily.

Run away ………..
Fugitive ………….
Adults …………… Pocket………….
Look after………
Take after………
Arrest ………….
Samples ……….. Break into………
Inventor ………..
Moral of a story… Put….into trouble….
Adapt to……………
Belong to…………..
Gang ……………….
Evil and good……….

What is the moral of this story?المغزى من
The bad people are punished and the good people live happily.

Was /were + v +ing.
He was watching TV at six o'clock yesterday. شىء كان مستمر فى وقت معين فى الماضى
It was raining all morning yesterday.
From 4 to 5 yesterday, I was sleeping.
While I was watching TV, the light went out. شىء كان مستمرثم قطعة حدث آخر
As he was eating, the phone rang.
Just as they were sleeping, their father arrived.
When the phone rang, I was sleeping.
While my father was reading, mother was cooking.حدثان مستمران فى الماضى
While Ali was singing, Noha was playing the piano.
While I was eating, I was watching TV.
While sleeping, the phone rang. While + G
During + N / G,………. . أثناء
During the film, he slept. (While)
I like comedies while my brother likes romantics.
1. Mona lost her mobile. She was doing the shopping. (While)
2. I was reading a book. Someone knocked on the door. (when)
3. I learnt a lot of French during my stay in Paris. (While)
4. I was mending the car when fire broke out in the engine. (What..?)
5. They got lost. They were driving through the desert. (While)
6. He had an accident while driving to work. (was)

After……………,…………… . After…………..,…………… .After ..G….,………
After I had seen the film, I went to bed.
After I saw the film, I went to bed.
After seeing the film, I went to bed.
1. He planted a tree, then he watered it. (After…)
Having+ pp….., …….………..بعـــــــــد
Having watched the film, I went to bed.
1. He shared in the race and won a medal. (Having……)
As soon as…………..,……………. . As soon as…………….,…………………. .
As soon as he had written the letter, he went to the post.
As soon as he knew the news, he told his friend.
1. He watched the film and slept at once. (As soon as…)
Before………….,…………… . Before...G…..,……………………. .
Before he told his friend, he had known the news.
Before telling his friend, he had known the news.
He didn't sleep until he had finished his study.
He worked as a teacher till he retired.
The TV didn't work because my sister had broken it.
When……………………..,…………………………… .
When Noha had washed the dishes, she watched TV.

When………………….,……………………… . …………………………………..
We were unlucky. When we arrived at the cinema, the train had left.
We missed the beginning of the play. When we reached the theatre, it had already begun.
I didn't see my father. When I went home, he had gone to bed.

When………………………..,…………………….. …………………………………….
I was lucky. When I reached the station, the train left.

No sooner………………………….. than………………………….
He had no sooner watched the film than he slept.
No sooner had he watched the film than he slept.
Hardly had he finished the letter when he went to the post.

On +G…, ………………………………………………………..
Immediately on………..,……………………………………….
Immediately after……., ………………………………………..
On seeing the snake, she fainted.
When I arrived at school, I realized that I had forgotten my English book.
1. He didn't run before hearing the whistle. (After)
2. First he left home. Then he visited his uncle. (As soon as )
3. I didn't know about her success until I had met her. (After)
3. He had done the homework before he went to bed. (until)
4. Having built a house, he got married. (By the time)
5. Having done the shopping, she returned home. (after)
6. After finishing his university, he went abroad. (Before)
7. He didn't know the news before meeting me. (until)
8. I left home, it began to rain. (No sooner)
9. On hearing the news of her father's death, she broke down. (When)
10. I didn't go out till I had studied my lessons. (After)
A lot of people don't choose the job that suits them. They are tempted by the salary or the position, but they don't care for their abilities.
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unit 2 first year
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