مدرسة كفر الديب الثانوية المشتركة
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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 Unit 2 redaelhamshary@yahoo.com

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رضا الهمشري

رضا الهمشري

عدد المساهمات : 69
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/07/2011

Unit 2 redaelhamshary@yahoo.com Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Unit 2 redaelhamshary@yahoo.com   Unit 2 redaelhamshary@yahoo.com Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 24, 2011 1:18 pm

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- Well…………people can render great services to their country.
a. educated b. education c. educated d. educator
2- After leaving university, my father worked…………a lawyer.
a. such b. such as c. like d. as
3- A…….….person feels sure about his ability to be successful.
a. self-contained b. self-destructive c. self-conscious d. self-confident
4- Hope is well-known……….…....his adventure novels.
a. of b. for c. about d. from
5- Being a student, you'll have plenty of……………time during the summer holiday.
a. free b. busy c. hard d. extra
6- The last Olympic Games took……..……three years ago.
a. part b. place c. over d. down
7- I want to know what sort……..……person you are.
a. from b. for c. of d. at
8- Amr Mahrous had to pay for the…………of book himself.
a. publication b. public c. publicly d. publish
9- Last night, there was an interesting…………….on TV on crime and punishment.
a. debate b. debit c. debt d. debut
10- The film we watched yesterday was based…………a real story.
a. of b. on c. in d. for
11- The story is so interesting that I can't put it………….. .
a. off b. up c. out d. down
12- ………….is entertainment that helps people to forget about their worries.
a. Capitalism b. Escapism c. Socialism d. Realism
13- Fifty………....…is a very high temperature.
a. kilograms b. degrees c. kilometers d. centimeter
14- The police………..….the criminal everywhere before they could finally arrest him.
a. honoured b. rewarded c. chased d. greeted
15- In Britain, Children go to primary school…….…….the ages of 5 and 11.
a. from b. in c. between d. at
16- The……..…..of king Abdullah 11 was attended by millions of people.
a. co operation b. coronation c. concentration d. correlation
17- About 200 researchers will………..the conference and discuss the latest discoveries.
a. go b. suspect c. regret d. attend
18- Hurghada is popular………….tourists from all over the world.
a. to b. with c. for d. on
19- We should………….advice from the wise.
a. take b. give c. tell d. from
20- There were a few obstacles but the celebration went on…………planned.
a. like b. such c. as d. such as
21- Wedding is a special………...when people gather to congratulate the new couple.
a. debate b. occasion c. ball d. conference
22- It is a good thing to………....regular visits to orphanages.
a. make b. pays c. makes d. paid
23- Don't take things that don't…………to you.
a. own b. belong c. take d. buy
24- Hamuksha is going to get married. I'll attend his………….. .
a. concert b. show c. wedding d. presentation
25- When I was……..….....holiday in Aswan, I visited the High Dam.
a. in b. of c. on d. for
26- They are almost……………twins. They are so alike.
a. identical b. different c. unusual d. various
27- We are not a……………….family, so everyone in my family works very hard.
a. poor b. modest c. needy d. wealthy

Find the mistake in the each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:

1- A leader speaks for people in the court.
2- A debit is an organised discussion on an important subject.
3- You'd better spend your busy time in a useful way.
4- You'll enjoy reading the work of Yourself Zidan.
5- You can borrow this book from the global library in your area.
6- The pair were married later that year.
7- You can still see a lot of classics architecture in Greece and Rome.
8- You can do friends easily on the internet.
9- Parents often make advice to their children.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:-
1- How many……….…did you visit our country?
a. time b. timing c. times d. timed
2- The man went to the news agent to buy…….……… .
a. a paper b. paper c. a packet of paper d. a sheet of paper
3- There………too much traffic on the road today.
a. are b. is c. have d. have been
4- Politics……….….an interesting subject for us.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
5- Clothes made of silk…….....…rather expensive.
a. is b. was c. are d. has been
6- You needn't worry, there is….……….of time.
a. a little b. a few c. some d. plenty
7- Hany earns……………money. He is not in need of your help.
a. little b. many c. a few d. much
8- Gymnastics……….…...necessary to build our bodies and strengthens our muscles.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
9- There are………..…..things you can do to help us.
a. several b. little c. much d. any
10- There……….….a lot of people at the party last night.
a. is b. were c. are d. was
11- It was impossible to see………….in the dark.
a. thing b. anything c. something d. nothing
12- Would you like…….…….ice? – It's really tasty.
a. an b. no article c. no d. any
13- Can I give you………..….advice?
a. an b. some c. few d. a few
14- …….…...students applied for the course.
a. Plenty b. Too much c. Too many d. A little
15- I don't have many books. I have just…….………. .
a. much b. a few c. a lot d. a little
16- I'd like two………..….of paper to write a letter.
a. bars b. sheets c. packets d. bottles
17- Physics………..….a difficult subject for most students.
a. seem b. look c. seems d. sound
18- He is very poor. He doesn't have………..…..money.
a. much b. a lot of c. many d. a few
19- The information you have received……..…….been useful.
a. have b. is c. were d. has
20- Our goods……………going to be sold all over the world.
a. has b. are c. is d. have
Find the mistake in the each of the following sentences, then write it correctly:
1- There are a little milk in this bottle.
2- There is a few girls in the class.
3- How many rice do you want?
4- I have a headache. I'd like an coffee.
5- How much pounds do you want? – Only 10 pounds.
6- How many loaf of beard do you want?
7- May I have an atom of meat?
8- There are too much salt in this soup.
9- Where is your gloves?
10- There is some hair in my soup. Here it is.
11. An orange is a colour.
12. A coffee is a drink.
13. How much cups of coffee do you drink a day? B: Two cups.
14. He had new business in our city.
15. Measles are a dangerous disease.
16. One of the players in the red team are very tall.

Really? / Is that right? / Did he?/ How interesting!
To ( my / his………….) surprise. / Surprisingly.
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